Saturday, December 31, 2011

Other recent developments

Not quite fitting with the last post, but I thought I would write a quick post about these two developments as well.

#1, we have our first official new scratches on a guitar.  Thankfully, it's the old cheapy Epiphone and they're mostly contained on the black pick guard as opposed to being on the finish.  Contrary to what you may be thinking, I don't get too bent out of shape about scratches on guitars. They're tools, not museum art so they are meant to be played. Much like us humans as we age, they get bumps and bruises through the years and it adds to their character as beauty marks and memories.

#2, Here is the mighty powerful and attractive Marvin McNutt letting the ghastly beast lick his hand! This marks MUCH progress with his trust of little Rosey.  As you may recall, he was deathly afraid of her at first to the point of trying to climb on top of your head at just the notion of Rosey entering the same room he was in.

Grandpa Jim got him to at least sit in the same chair with Grandpa and Rosey, although there wasn't a whole lot of relaxation going on during those times.

M. McNutt has been inviting Rosey up to sit with him and other things but he still gets a little weirded out when Rosey looks him in the eye!

So these happenings of him willingly putting his hand out for her to lick is huge. Oh sure, he's still not to the point of giggling as it happens like most young'ins, but we're getting there, one lick at a time.

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