Friday, December 9, 2011

In Guangzhao...

The Schmitz mobile chaos unit has successfully navigated the Changchun and Guangzhao airports to arrive safely in Guangzhao. I am very thankful that we had two other families to traverse that wilderness with because it was nerve wrecking as it was.

You see, our fantastic guide, Echo, could only go so far as the security check so we had to say goodbye to her at that point. That in and of itself was not fun, but waiting to board a flight you cannot afford to miss, and they're calling out the boarding information in Mandarin Chinese, it adds a whole new level "siphoning" to a situation.

Caleb didn't mind the flight at all. He was bouncing off the walls at first after not having had a nap all day, but crashed shortly after inhaling his airline noodles. He slept until we had to get him rebuckled.

Robby sat across the aisle from us with a 13 year old on our trip and they played PSP college football and talked shop for nearly 4 hours. He fell asleep on the descent and was OUT. He also fell asleep about 3 minutes away from the hotel on the bus.

It's now off to breakfast with three of the four of us being sick in some manner. Not a good way to start the final week, but it could be worse.

Talk at ya later.

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