Monday, December 26, 2011

Caleb's First Christmas

Christmas 2011 has come and gone.  There's a little boy named Caleb who has entered our lives like a tornado in a trailer park.  He's wild, unpredictable, and there's no telling what kind of damage that can be done in a very short period of time.

He's also incredibly sweet, cuddly, loving and fun. He has what seems like a genuine love of daddy playing guitar, which is cool.

bsp; Now I have a boy who's always barking at me to play football and another who is making hand motions to play guitar for him.  Two of my favorite things!

Oh yeah, he's a button pushing, light switching, lever pulling little bugger too.  I thought I would go broke replacing the can light bulbs in the basement from Robby flopping around playing football upstairs and breaking the bulb filaments in the basement. Now that I had him settled down, I have Caleb, "Master Of Switches" turning lights on and off as if we needed strobe lights in our otherwise mundane existance.

Christmas was fun (as is the incredibly loud screaming and fighting going on in my ear as I type!).  Robby was bouncing off the walls with giddyness in anticipation of opening presents and Caleb wanted to eat.  As is our custom, we get up, take care of necassary business, eat and then open presents so Caleb was content. Robby, as most of you well know, was wound up and therefore even more talkative than usual, so his breakfast took nearly forever to eat. The fact that his own excitement was causing him to take longer to eat due to his verbal spillage, which in turn was delaying present opening, which in turn was causing anticipation to build even further, was completely lost on him.

So we get to opening presents and the boys start with their stockings.  Caleb went first and had a blast pulling stuff out of his stocking. Rob went next and Caleb had a blast pulling stuff out of his stocking too!  They got to some night vision goggles and that's where it ended for Caleb.  They were Robby's, but not to him!  He was pushing buttons, pulling the light up, and everything else with them and it was a battle when Rob wanted'em back!  The idea that certain things belong to certain people is not something that he's used to yet.

We opened some other presents and while the blocks that Rob got Caleb were a big hit, they didn't quite measure up to the night vision goggles.  Battles over those are still ongoing nearly 36 hours later.

Caleb also got his first jersey, an Iowa Hawkeye's number 7, Marvin McNutt.  Robby's new nickname for Big C?  Yep, Marvin McNutt.  It fits. Well.

He also got some St. Louis Rams pajamas that are absolutely adorable on him. He got excited when Momma put them on him and did some little bouncy dance that would be very hard to describe. It was hilarious.

He's also refused to take his Rams pajamas off now and it's 24 hours later. We'll see how tomorrow goes.  He has managed to put a Rams jersey shirt on over the top of them so he's assimulating quite nicely.

As for the boys and how they're getting/not getting along?  They're doing pretty good.  Robby assumes the role of big brother with ease, bossing Caleb around and trying to force him to do what he wants. Caleb assumes the role of little brother with ease by not doing what Robby wants and occaisionally standing face to face with him screaming.  It's delightful.

The boys were racing around the circle of our house tonight (front hallway into the kitchen, thru the dining room, into the living room and back into the front hallway). Around and around they would go. Loud, screaming, laughing and sometimes battling, but it was great to watch. At the end of it all, there was  a small accident.

It's the case of matchbox cars laying at the bottom of the basement steps, spilled all over and when I asked how it happened, Robby screamed, "It was his fault!", pointing at him, with Caleb standing there, grinning, pointing right back at his big bro!

Working as designed...

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