Saturday, May 5, 2012

Caleb's Surgery - May 5th, 2012 Happiness, finally! part III

An hour ago (it's now 8:30'ish pm American Iowa corn time), we were pretty much resolved to the fact that we were going to be here through Sunday night and (hopefully) be released at some point on Monday.

However, just recently, we were talking to the new nurse after the hand-off of patients at the changing of the guard.  While that was going on, we noticed that he had his mouth closed completely!  This marks major progress over where he's been because ever since his surgery, he has not been able to close his mouth because his tongue has been so swollen.

Also, his lips and cheeks are swollen as well as the soft tissue under his chin.  That last one makes him REALLY look like a Schmitz, the extra chin and all... well, as much as a small Chinese boy can.

The soft tissue under his chin has softened up too.  It has been really firm ever since recovery and quite puffy.

A few other developments is that we had the nurses unhook him from everything but the IV so that we could take him out of the room for a walk.  We walked around the pediactrics area and out into the hallway to look outside.  We looked at the fish tanks, the blue sky, the art work and found the "Art Center" where we got a coloring book and box of crayons for him.

We also Skyped with Grandma & Grandpa, Aunt Molly and the dapper, powerful & attractive Robert James Schmitz tonight.  It was good to see everyone and I think Caleb enjoyed it too, even though his tongue was still big at that time and he couldn't really express it.

Right now we're very excited about the recent developements although we know they can go the other way just as quickly.  

We still haven't been visited by the surgeon yet, which personally does not impress me although I have no idea what the dude's schedule looked like today.  I hope he shows up soon so that he doesn't come in 22 minutes after we all fall asleep.

So, thank you all for the prayers so far. Please keep them coming!  

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