Saturday, May 5, 2012

Calebs Surgery - May 5th, 2012, "Got'cha" Day 5 month anniversary!

A celebration at the oasis, you ask?


The little man is having a rough day, much like 5 months ago except that where the pain was in his heart then, now it is in his face, his swollen little mouth, to be more accurate.

The swelling in his tongue did not go down overnight as we had hoped.  Apparently, it's not uncommon for it to not go down, and even for it to swell up more, in the first 24 hours.  If it goes up much further, we're going to have some problems.

He's also getting a little sore on the end of his tongue that looks similar to a mark/abrasion you would get when you bite your tongue hard.  That alone has to hurt much less what they did to the roof of his mouth!

The little guy keeps telling us that he's not having any owies.  I find that very hard to believe but every single time you ask him, he shakes his head "no".  Then when you ask if he wants the doctors/nurses to leave the room, you get a very emphatic "yes" head shake, so we can only assume he's telling us the truth.

Don't know much else at this point other than it pains me greatly to watch a person you love dearly, suffering and scared and not being able to do anything to help.

Anything but pray, that is.  Sadly, it's easy to forget that when he's agitated like he has been so far today. Perhaps that's my own immaturity in my personal walk with Jesus and a friendly reminder of where I can certainly do better.

Although, considering how well I know myself, I would think if it were indeed God showing me a sign, it wouldn't be so focused but much rather a very large, and heavy blanket of a sign covering all aspects of my life...

Hmmmmm...  considering that last paragraph, I should be going...

More later.
Ted (daddy)

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