Saturday, March 23, 2013

Why we laugh, part deux...

I had written a blog post back in November titled, Why We Laugh, which was a couple of Robby stories that cracked us up.

Lately, the boy has been getting a little "big for his britches", as they say.  We've attempted to clamp down on him a bit in an effort to curb his sassiness and for our efforts we get a good quote now and then.

The first two of these were posted on the fancy facebook thingymabob by Lesley, but I figured it would be fun to document them here as well.

This morning, Momma asked Robby to do a reading comprehension lesson.  He responded, "Mom, you're ruining my life! I mean literally, not figuratively.".    

How's that for getting your point across?

A few weeks back, Momma announced to us boys that she was going in to listen to a lecture.  Robby asked, "if it was going to be Martin Luther King, Jimmy Johnson or your nursing instructor?".

That's three fairly different folks!

Then, the other night before bed, I was telling the boys a story.   To make a really long story short, the little boy in the story is homeless and his camp has been eating fish they catch and asparagus that is growing wild in a ditch next to the forest where their camp is. The little boy, Jeremy, had raised some money and got some groceries for his camp which included fresh veggies other than asparagus so that his camp fellows would not grow weary of that veggie.

Robby said, "Oh man, tell me they bought some ranch dressing for dipping!".   

I replied,  "No, they didn't, there's not enough nutritional value in ranch dressing and they don't want to waste their money.".

He cleverly says, in that previously mentioned sassy voice, "Yeah but ranch makes things with nutritional values to actually taste good!".

Can't argue with sound logic like that which the boy possesses.


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