Monday, March 25, 2013

Family night/day - March 2013

It's been quite a while since we've had one of our "Family Night" gatherings.  In fact, going strictly from memory, I would say that the last one we've done was the decorating of the gingerbread houses back in early December. 

So, since the last one we had was just prior to celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, I suppose it's fitting that the follow-up is the celebration of his crucifixion and ressurection from the dead.

We were gathering for the annual "kids-fest" known in America as decorating Easter eggs.

Of course,  we had to gather for some food first.  You wouldn't want to tear off into the day without proper sustenance. We had some grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and tater tots to "grease the skids" as they say.

And another of course, since it is winter time here, and we've invited people over, and we have a crappy driveway, it just HAD to snow again.  Ridiculous how that happens...

Anyhoo...  enough of my babbling, on to the pictures!

Oddly enough, a football game broke out early.  That Robby in his green slime socks, Knoshawn Moreno Bronco's jersey and St. Louis Rams helmet, and that's Caleb in his church clothes complete with his "plumbers crack" hanging out the back side.  We decided that on this day, we would retire that shirt from his closet.
The football game has moved deeper into the living room and picked up another defender, Jonah!

Two lovely ladies. My momma, Grandma Elaine and the ever cute, little Zoe.

Here's Aunt Molly teaching a spacing off Robby, and a highly attentive Jonah, just how to do an Easter egg properly!

That's Grandma Darcey with Jonah, Sam and Zoe tearing up the eggs.

Momma and Calebber McCheese doing what they do and looking good doing it!

A wild brood, to be sure!

Robby, the hippie, waiting ever so patiently for his egg to turn the correct shade of red.

Sam and Jonah working on their eggs.

The whole crowd.

Sam & Zoe with Grandma Darcey

Now that's a motley looking crew!  China boy, Calebber with his brother Robby and a proud daddy!

I had to include this!  He's getting to that age when smooches from parents aren't always welcomed, so when a fella gets the chance, he's got to take it.  The one-eyed look on Robby's face is excellent!

And speaking of excellent expressions...

A wild game of Mario Bros. broke out in the basement later on.  I'm not sure what was happening on the screen, but Sam's face indicates that it is quite the significant event!

Zoe, as only Zoe can be.  The girl just breathes cute.

Caleb was feeling a little spry & sassy on this day, as it evidenced by his many goofy faces.

That wrapped up another family night.  Hopefully, with the weather getting nicer, we'll have them monthly again, but schedules can tend to do funny things to the best laid plans...

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