Saturday, March 2, 2013

Only 364 days to go...

Only 364 more days until Robby's next birthday.  Oh, he's in no hurry for it and is not upset that it's all over (not quite ALL over) for another year, but I was teasing him about it this morning.

So how was the transformation into the Crazee 8's?

Pretty good according to Robby.  He didn't get a big party this year and seemed mostly okay with that.  We did let him pick the restaurant for supper so he thought that was cool. He picked three places, Zombie Burger, McDonalds, and Pizza Ranch.

We voted on McDonalds since we hardly ever would go there under normal circumstances while the other two are places we are most likely to visit more often anyway. Especially Zombie Burger as not only is their food unique and quite tasty (definitely NOT weight watchers friendly, however...) but they also have a beer menu that could make ol' dad blush.  It's not often we find an eating establishment that has a large selection of micro brews, but they have that and then some!  They even have a good number of beers that I've never tried, so that's bonus points!

It seems I'm drifting...

So anyway, the lads wake up yesterday morning and begin getting ready for school. The second graders had pajama day, and the kindergartners were celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday (which technically is today, March 2nd), so a big day was planned already.

Robby had taken cupcakes to school the prior day (Feb. 28th) for his birthday since his class already had cupcakes scheduled for March 1st pajama day.

blah blah blah... on I go...

Fast forward to after school, and the photos.

Caleb is sucking down a Capri Sun juice box while making sure that Robby is opening his gift correctly.  Notice that we didn't even bother to wrap the thing.  Somehow it seems that 2013 has gotten away from us already. Go figure.

So the first gift of the day was from Mr. Caleb.  It was a pink, breast cancer awareness football.  While it looks like Robby is puckering up to kiss the silly thing, he's really saying, "SA-WEET!!!".  Caleb was very excited about the pink football as well.  Oh, and note the pajama's that Rob is wearing.  That's what he wore to school since mom is crafty and noticed that they had not only football on them, but a number 8 on the helmet as well.  Get it? Robby's 8 and it has...   the...  #8... okay, on to the next photo!

Yes, it's another jersey.  We warned Robby that if we go to Washington DC this summer that he can't wear this jersey around Liena's mom or he won't be allowed in their house.  He understood.  He then asked if we can go visit Uncle Steve so he can wear this during the visit.  It's a Cowboys Tony Romo jersey.  The look on Robby's face in this photo was because he had just discovered that the stars on the shoulder are sewed on and not merely screen printed!  He's been after us for a "sewed on" jersey for some time now and we're not interested in paying those prices!  He's only had the jersey off long enough to sleep last night.

The thought of having a jersey with even just a sewed on star, was enough to send him on a Gangnam style dance thru the living room. Thankfully, he had clothes on this time...   that's a story for another day!  That day will be his first date. :-)

So later, after our McDonalds dinner and a brief shopping trip for light bulbs, we decided to have some cake and ice cream.  As would be common for dear old dad, I wanted my cake, as in RIGHT NOW, so I cut it and was dishing it up when Momma came into the kitchen and said, "Are we not going to light candles and sing to him?".  If we must delay my cake consumption, then I guess we must.  Mom lighting the candles was hilarious but unfortunately I have only pictures and no video.  Wouldn't matter, I'm not smart enough to figure out how to put videos in a blog post anyway.

Robby Romo blowing out the candles with an excited little brother looking on and asking, about every 1.5 minutes, if it was his birthday too.  We've been trying to teach him that his birthday is coming up next month, and also how to say, "April 28th", but he didn't seem to care. All he knew was that Robby was getting everything!

Caleb with Momma's sweatshirt on after getting a belly full of cake.  His face is painted like a cake since, as I mentioned before, they were celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday at school.

And the mean little kitty-cat preparing for his cake.
And then today, Aunt Molly came over to take the boys out to lunch, so Robby got to open yet another present under the watching QA'ing of Caleb.  What could it possibly be???

A JERSEY!!  Who wudda thunk it?  For those inquiring minds, it's a Denver Bronco, Knowshon Moreno jersey.

And for her efforts, she got the terrifying Robby-running-full-blast-at-you-only-to-jump-into-your-arms reward!  It truly is terrifying just because of his size.

And so, that should bring Robby birthday, 2013, full circle and to a close.

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