Thursday, October 30, 2014

Punk'in Carv'in, 2014 edition...

With the acquisitions of pumpkins, comes carving the bad boys. 

This was a great joy of childhood which I indicated in last years post, which sadly, includes Uncle Frank who  is no longer with us...

Today, this is not much more then a messy chore.  That's where my sister, delightful Aunt Doris, comes in!

She is wildly artistic in life as you can experience one creative outlet here, but also is a great aunt who likes to be involved in her nieces and nephews lives.  She enjoys carving pumpkins and as such, likes to do so with our boys.

The varmints, cleaning out their respective gourds from the pumpkin patch.

The deed being accomplished with Caleb, who was eager and willing, and Robby who was more interested in describing what he wanted to Doris and then approving her work during a commercial in the football games.  He'll make a great manager some day!!!

Aunt Doris and her subjects for a day.

Robert James with his pumpkin.

Caleb RongBo with his pumpkin.  I really truly love it when a camera gets the rare opportunity to actually capture the mood of the moment.  In this case, pure joy!

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