This is a bit of a "duplicate" post as we're long home from vacation and back to work/school, depending on what member of the family you might be.
Regardless of all of that, I, Daddy, wanted to document some of the cooler pictures of the day. And, after I prepared a pile of photos, I again decided that it would be best to split it into two different posts.
Admittedly, the zoo pictures aren't all that cool, but the pictures from the "childrens museum" in Green Bay are pretty cool... at least from a memory perspective.
So, here we go with part 1, the zoo, or the New Zoo, as it's officially called.
This guy seemed to want to pose for the camera. He did several "face forward" pics for us but I seem to like this one the best. |
This one is obviously of a giraffe eating a little kids head. Oh sure, he didn't actually eat the little kids head, but he could have based on the size of a giraffe's head vs. a human head! |
Robert appears to be running for office with and merely posing with a commoner. |
The only moose we saw on vacation... sadly... |
The only albino crocodile that we saw on vacation... happily... |
The China boy, obviously distraught. What about?
The devil birds! That's what!! These gorgeous, at least according to daddy, were out to get everbody and Caleb, along with his aunt Doris, believe the press and buy into the fact that they will start eating you, eye's first and whatever body part is most convenient, second. |
Devil birds, that's right. And tell Robby he's got my vote.