Tuesday, November 20, 2012


On Monday night, November 19th, Robby had his first swim meet.  It was likely to be his second but he was bad sick at the moment the first one rolled around.

He was as wound up for this as any football game he ever had this Fall, so it was good to see that kind of passion for a sport that did not involve a football/mouth guards.

All signed in and a little nervous! Oh, and a LOT proud!


Jacking around with his little brother and generally trying to burn up some nervous energy, me thinks.

He wanted to do a Clay Matthews pose... so, he did.

Finally, lined up to swim and he's with his buddy, Jack (aka 10'6") from his football team this Fall.

uh...  Swimming.

This is a warm up jump in prior to doing some laps in the pool.

Caleb, already tired of waiting and wanting to ham it up a little. He made his motion for daddy to take some pictures of him.

...and so he posed.  That's gold!

This is getting lined up for the relay race, his second event.

Robby and 10'6" were on the same team for the relay. Robby is waiting for his teammate to get there so he can launch.

The heat of the ensuing battle.

The proud boy coming out of the pool after a great swim!

Overall, he did great, swam great and his coach told Mama tonight at practice that Robby did really well at the meet.  They will find out results of it all on Sunday when they have practice up at the Altoona Campus.

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