Tuesday, December 4, 2012

364... and counting


You may have noticed a lack of updates in this space lately.  There's a bit of a reason for that.  You see, while I'm a computer programmer by trade, whenever we have a computer issue here at home, I (sometimes) politely back away from the machine and inform my beautiful bride that there's a problem.

It's just better that way.  Trust me when I say that.

So, I was going thru pictures a week or so ago, and I realized that I had many nice photos from my nephews' birthday party and was going to post a few.  During the upload process, an error was thrown up to the screen saying something along the lines that I had used up all of the "free" space alotted to us.

Hmmmm...  I thought.  Better step away and inform Lesley that there are woes with the blog.

So without boring you without all of the gory details, I figured that I was done posting anything until the good woman has figured out what's wrong and how we were going to proceed.

Turns out that I was wrong... again.

I can post for now, just can't post anymore pictures temporarily.  

So with that knowledge, I thought that I would post a short update of what's going on with us, which I can say happily, is not that much.

We have spent the last several days playing the "one year ago today, we were..." game.  It's been fun and it's dusted off a few memories that have already been buried under newer "stuff" that we've done in the year since we retrieved our little China-man.  

So?  What were we doing a year ago today?  We woke up, hit the buffet for some sausage and bacon and prepared our bags in Beijing for the flight to Changchun in preparation to meet our boy the next day!  When we got to Changchun, we had a few moments to settle into our new digs and then it was outside for our first game of human frogger so our guide, Echo, could take us to the local Wal Mart for food and toys to take to our meeting the next morning. 

We bought a small, soft, stuffed soccer ball, a little Panda hand puppet, and a little toy semi with a trailer of cars it was hauling. The soccer ball got a little mileage, but the others were pretty much a bust.

Oh, we also bought some local beers!

Yesterday was the Tianamen Square and Forbidden City where Mr. Robby first officially met Liena and I think, fell in love for the first time.  It was fun bringing that up. :-) 

So that's part of what we've been up to.  What else?  Work.  The boys and momma's school.  Robby's swimming (he's doing awesome!).  Daddy hurting his back jacking around with the boys...  the usual.

Tomorrow is a big day.  It's the one year anniversary of "Got'cha Day" and there's another cool event that just so conveniently happened to fall on the one year anniversary.

What is it?

You'll have to come back in a day or two and find out (some of you already know...).

Until then, God bless you all and thanks for reading my random musings.

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