Saturday, February 1, 2020

2019 Mini-Vaca3(but really 1), Chicago, Pt 4 - Field Museum

So far, our little weekend getaway has been pretty relaxing even with all of the walking that we've been doing.

Chicago is a bit like Vegas in the fact that things don't look very far away but when you start walking,  it seems you walk for days before arriving at your destination.

Another way that the two city's are similar is that when you are walking, you meet some pretty interesting characters...  who knows the stories those folk could tell!

This was our 3rd and last full day in Chi-town.  The morning was absolutely beautiful as you can see in the first couple of pictures.  There was virtually no breeze coming off of the water and the temp was cool, but nearly perfect for a long walk!

This was great, so much fun and the boys were both enjoying their time, so "wins" all around!

The Navy Pier off in the distance.

How do you improve the previous picture?  Just add-a-lad!

My peeps!!!

I love the Chicago skyline.  It always reminds me of my brother Steve as I was with him and his family the first time that I ever saw it.  Ferris Bueller was just out at the time and it was cool to see some of the spots where filming took place.

Our destination!!!  The last time we were here, we didn't realize it but Prez. Obama was speaking at the museum later on in the day.  We had experienced the museum and there were lights being set up, and fancy tables/chairs, and whatever else...  It was only after we walked back to the car and tried to leave when we were confronted by Chicago's Big Blue and told that we weren't going anywhere until the Presidents helicopter left the area...  I'm not a patient man.  There was no such ruckus this time and the memory is a good story to tell.

Just benches and myself, Rob and Caleb in the shadows back there...

The boys hamming it up.

Rob got stuck!  LOL!!!  He was wedged in there pretty good.

In the Asian area (I can't recall it's official title) with the Asian boy!

Rob in front of...  something.

The DINO's!!!

Sue's head and my fam.

Sue's head and no fam.  Turns out that the real skeleton head is too heavy to be supported on the actual display so they created a clone out of lighter material and show the real one here in the case.

Sue and her fake head!

And the last picture before we left for our next long walk!

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