Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Schmitz Christmas, 2018

Another year and another Christmas has come and gone.

It's still awesome to watch the kids and their unbridled enthusiasm for Christmas but frankly, as I get older, the less I enjoy it (other than watching kids, which is ALWAYS awesome!!).

Not only are we missing a few special loved ones again this year, we have on our hearts another loved one who is going thru their own trials and will not be here for future Holidays as well.

No matter, I guess, as life goes on for those of us left behind and we had sure better celebrate with the chances that we get!

That's Grandpa Jim opening his gift of lottery tickets and reeses peanut butter cups!

This is Caleb who is waiting for Grandpa to open his gift...  Grandpa is NOT in a hurry to do most anything, including gifts.

Mr. Santa Claus (Caleb) giving out gifts.  Here, he's delivering our stockings.

Rob is opening a present that he's sure is a pillow that he had requested!  But what is it really?

Still thinking it's a pillow...

And, it's a coat.  He was not very impressed other than the fact that he had been played into thinking it was his desired pillow.

Mama opening a gift (that, as it turns out, doesn't work).

Robby opening his kindle, which he wasn't/isn't very impressed with.

Mom's turn.

Calebber opening a box that he figured out because of the sound!

Arrows for his crossbow!

My wife apparently thinks I have a big butt!

The crazy old hound is not impressed with presents and just wants to play some fetch!

Another failed gift from Dad to Mom...  another reason why I don't much care for Christmas.  I SUCK at giving gifts and I feel bad about the holidays for months afterwards.

Caleb's big gift, part 1.  Pellets.

I have no idea what this is about!

Caleb's big gift, part II.  Safety goggles.

What could it be!?!?

It's his pillow that he was expecting earlier as he opened a coat!   He called it the "Great Pillow Juke of 2018!".  lol!

Caleb opening part III of III of his big gift.   Hmmmm...

It's a Crosman air rifle!  He likes his hunting and such!

That's a wrap on another Christmas.  We will see what another year brings us!

God's blessings to all!

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