Monday, January 21, 2019

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

For a while there thru late Fall and into the early winter, it seemed as if we would never get snow.  The dam finally burst, as they say and we had a good snow event followed by another respectable snow event only a week later.

Now we have a wintry mix in the forecast for tomorrow along with another weather system expected to bring an additional inch or two of snow on this coming Thursday.


Less than 36 hours before the first decent snow fall,  there was a night with a most beautiful sunset.  Fire in the sky that night as Facebook lit up with pictures of it from various places across the U.S.  Oh, it was in the mid-60's in the afternoon on this lovely day.

36 hours later...  Note that this isn't at our house and I did NOT take these pictures but rather friends of ours and Caleb was over at their house staying the night.

Speaking of Caleb, that's him on the right along with his buddies Jack and Max clearing their driveway.

Meanwhile, back at our house,  I was teaching Rob how to use the snowblower without losing any appendages.  He was not real confident about this once he felt the power that this thing has, but he did good.

After snow event #2, Robby and I had got the driveway cleared until the next go-around.

A make-shift path over to the neighbors house so the boys don't track a ton of snow in when the go over there in the mornings that we both are at work.

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