Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Schmitz 2018 Vaca, Post 5 - Pt. I, Boston "ducks" tour

Next up after driving up and around NYC proper, we headed off thru Connecticut, into Rhode Island and up to South of Boston in a town called... uh...  Milton!

We stayed at an AirBnB off of Randolph Ave. which was ran by a lovely woman who got us dialed right into the Browns game and then mocked us for liking the Browns and Rams...

Wouldn't you know it, she was a Patriots fan!  I almost couldn't stay but she was soooo nice, so fun, you just had to forgive that one short-coming.

She was also the one who gave Momma detailed instructions on who to work the bus lines down to the train lines that would take us to within two blocks of where we wanted to land in downtown Boston the next morning.

Can't beat that!

I still feel bad that when I was giving out feedback thru the AirBnB page that I only gave her 4 out of 5 stars because there were tiny ants in the kitchen...  she more than made up for the few little varmints and deserved 5 out of 5.  Or at least, 4.75 out of 5 but, at the time anyway,  their site was only set up for whole stars.  Anyway, still feel bad about that.

On to that next morning...

That's our ride for the next hour or so...  the duck boat, not the dinosaur, although that would have been pretty sweet too!

Waiting to leave and getting some ground rules laid down, I snapped a picture, unknowingly of course,  of where our duck boat would enter the water.  It's way back there under those bridges.

Boston Holocaust Memorial finished in 1995.  Right on the back side of this is Union street which houses the ye olde Union Oyster House, which is where we had a most excellent lunch! 

Part of the Freedom Trail hike, this building contains the Ancient & Honorable Artillery Co. as well as the Bostonian Society Museum shop, a creamery and a few other things.  I think that's a statue of Samuel Adams that you can sort of make out if you squint really hard.

The site of the Boston Massacre at the Old State House.  We stood in the very spot of it later on while hiking...  you'll see that later, should you come back.

Couldn't tell you where we were at here, but it was amazing to me how you had these little cematerys were in the middle of this very large city, and I'm guessing the were not back when they were started! 

Not that you can tell it from this pic, but the tile work on this building was truly amazing!

This is the Boston Public Gardens park, also now known as the Good Will Hunting park as there were apparently a few scenes filmed here.

And just around the corner, but still across the street from Boston Public Gardens is the bar where Cheers was filmed as you can kinda tell by the yellow flag.

Another side of the Boston Public Gardens.

No clue what church this is and the picture doesn't do it justice, but the stone work was amazing!!

Again, no clue...

Even better stone work that you can't really see.  Beautiful old church!

Our tour guide, The Codfather.   He was funny as crap, knew his history and wasn't afraid to talk!!

And last before we drop into the water, the Massachusetts State House.

So that's enough for this post...  part II will be the duck boat in the water and then likely a part III for while we were walking around, and we walked a LONG ways!

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