Saturday, March 10, 2018

Caleb's Latest Iowa City Adventure

Early March, 2018, was to be a time of extensive nervousness for Caleb.  He's had surgery scheduled for about 8 or 9 months at this point and reckoning day was nearly upon him.

Finally, on the 7th, we woke him up at 4:45a.m. to get him ready for the drive to Iowa City and more specifically, the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinic.  

The boy was N.E.R.V.O.U.S!!!

He announced that fact 77 times on the 2 hour drive and said little else.  Once you get to the pre-op room, they have every nurse, anesthesiologist, doctor and janitor come into the room to introduce themselves to the patient, ask and answer questions, take notes and so on.

They all entered the room, introduced themselves and then asked Caleb how he was doing.  His answer, nearly every time was, "I'm nervous.".

It was all at once cute, funny and a little sad. 

This is the 12th floor of the new children's hospital that was a big construction hole that I wrote about in 2012.  This is the area that's been seen on the news and won awards for Greatest Moments in Sports 2018 where after the first quarter of the Iowa Hawkeye's football games, the entire crowd waves to the kiddos and their families who are watching the game from this vantage point in the hospital.  A pretty cool gesture for the less fortunate!
After a successful surgery, we waited to visit the boy in recovery and eventually got to see his bright, shiny face.  He was doing pretty good, and even still, your heart about falls out of your chest to see your kid in that condition.  I cannot imagine what some of the other parents are going thru with their kids and far more serious conditions.  We thank God for the overall health of our boys as it's certainly not something to be taken for granted.  Anyway, after recovery, we made our way to our room for the remainder of the day, overnight and morning.  This is the view from Caleb's window overlooking Southwest Iowa City.
The sweet boy once he started feeling much better.
This is Caleb the next morning after they had released him to go home.  We're still waiting on some paperwork stuff at this time, but he was happy and READY to go!
Before we could leave tho, the lad wanted to go back up to the 12th floor and look out the window again.  They also had some wicked cool artwork up there and he wanted to show me his favorites.
We made our way out to the parking ramp, which has four layers underground, and we find our truck looks like it snowed dirt overnight! 
When we got out on the highway heading home, the dirt in the bed of the truck was so thick that it was truly swirling like light snow does!

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