Thursday, March 22, 2018

Random Happenings from the 'Hill - March 2018

A few loose ends have been meandering about so I thought I would tie them up.  We've found the end of Robby swimming and playing basketball as well as Caleb's volleyball and a Tae Kwon Do break before and a bit after his recent surgery.

One would think that would allow for a bunch more free time, and there is some, to be sure, but other things happen and it's all good.

Stuff keeps happening and it's way better than if it did not!

This is the lovely Robert James Schmitz at his 13th birthday dinner.  He picked the restaurant Malo for his dalliance and proceeded to order the calamari for an appetizer, a FULL order of the Tat'chos (to his right) and the Shrimp Diablo w/Pork for the remainder of dinner.  Luckily for us, he shared everything and we still had GREAT leftovers for a few lunches and snacks well after the fact.

At the campus with the boys.  Caleb is happy to be out of the house for the first time after his surgery!  He was pretty cautious, which I appreciate, and he eventually found a buddy from school and played some serious ping pong.

Robby was the catalyst for the Altoona Campus visit and was quite happy to get some basketball in.

Mr. Caleb as he and I were awaiting Robby getting out of the bathroom so that we could head off to the Bass Pro Shop to do some target shooting with the lazer guns.

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