Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Vacation Post 10 - Devils Tower

One of the stranger things to see in the "Black Hills" area...  Devils Tower.  This was my second time up close to it, but the first time where we actually hiked around the base of it. 

We don't have as many pictures as we'd have like to have had because of a perfect storm of camera/phone batteries dying.

Go figure.

Hiking around the base of this bad boy did provide a perspective that I didn't think possible. The awesome size of the monument is something to behold.  You would spot rock climbing folks 3/4 the way up with their rope hanging down and they weren't even ants!  Smaller than ants!

We stopped and had lunch down by the guard shack.  Did a little shopping (read: buying local micro brewed beers! Woooooooo!!!!) and the what not.  A good time for sure.

When I was going thru pictures tonight, Caleb came in to "check on me", and saw the pic on the computer, got excited and exclaimed, "I REMEMBER THAT!!".

As parents taking a family on vacation, THAT'S what we're looking for!

As we arrive near the park.  We'll be hiking this bad boy soon.

This is the boys on the trip, fat tummies from cold meat sammy's and doritos, feeling spry prior to our hike!

Not too far after we first got started.  Yes, we've had a break prior to getting this far.  The pictures refused to load in the order I wanted them in and I'm too tired to fight it, but you'll see a photo of silly young man later on which was taken during our break.

This was on the drive to Devils Tower.  We are goofy for cool rock outcroppings and take many pictures of the like.

And wildly out of order, a prairie dog!  Can't get enough of these lovable little critters!  There are large expanses of... well, prairie, where these little fellas and their fella-ettes are running wild and entertaining all of the goofy city folk.

Not sure exactly what this is/was, but it was on the drive into DT.  I would love to hear some stories that surround this piece of equipment and other old pieces like it.

A last cool shot as we were parting the area and heading into Montana for what would be a long, BIG SKY drive.  Eastern Montana?  Wow!  Pray you don't have car troubles!

After lunch on the patio by the gift shop/tourist trap, Caleb posed with his 12 shooter, recently aquired at the Corn Palace gift shop.

And not to be out done, Robby with his 12 shooter, and a different tin-can-cowboy.

Here's a dude who was about "1 hour" up the side of the tower.  He was taking a selfie.  I suppose if you're going to risk your life in regular jeans and t-shirt, you may as well get a good selfie for facebook while you're up there.  You never know if you'll make it down safely or not!

And so was our camera depleted trip around the tower.  Would I do it again as the boys get older?  Absolutely!

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