Thursday, July 10, 2014

Rosey Lynne...

Life is weird...

What do I mean?  Well, it's my birthday today, July 10th. That's not the weird part as I really don't care about birthdays and the such.  However, today was sort of odd.

You see, I can remember 24 years ago today when my dad called me up and said, "Guess what?  Your ol' Dad is a murderer!".  He was referring to the fact that earlier in the day, he had to take our family dog, Snickers, in to put her down as she was not doing well.  Could he have waited until the next day to call and tell me?  Probably.  

Did he?  Nope.  Not how he rolled.

So fast forward 24 years and it's my birthday again.  I'm obviously 24 years older and wis..  well, older.

Our dog Rosey, just turned 12 years old on June 25th.  Exactly 5 years ago today, she had her first seizure.

Why do I remember that?  I remember that because I had taken the day off from work to finish up some loose ends on the deck we were building on our house and was home alone with Rosey when she had, what I believe to be, her first seizure.

She's had them periodically in those 5 years and they've never been very severe or lasted for very long.  About 2 months ago, when I was alone with her, she had what I would describe as her first violent seizure and it scared me bad.  Much more than scaring me, it made me crazy sad.  I do not like to see anyone or anything suffer.  At all...

So after we got back from vacation, Rosey seemed to be doing well, enjoying having her family back as much as we were enjoying having her back.  

She started in on Tuesday morning with a seizure, continuing on thru the day and had 8 of them on her way to the vet after I got home from work and piled her and the boys in the truck for the drive.

She never really recovered and last night, July 9th, we decided if there was not marked improvement from her prescription meds, we would take her in to have her euthanized as she was way too good of a beast to watch her suffer another evening knowing full well that it would be the second dog to die on my birthday.

I'm relieved to say that we did not have to make the decision.  She died on her own sometime this morning between 4am when I last checked on her and 5:20am when I got up to start getting ready for work. 

I prayed last night before bed that "if she's not going to get better, please, please, please, take her before morning arrives". 

I miss her but I'm so relieved she is not suffering another night.

Get some rest, girl.  Those last two days were ROUGH!

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