Thursday, June 27, 2013

A metal medal...

June 14th wasn't just a big day for the China boy, it was also the day that Grandpa Jim was playing table tennis in the Senior Olympics.  Robby decided that he would stay with G'pa and go to the olympics as opposed to going to Iowa City with mom and dad and "enjoying" the whole experience of waiting rooms and doctor talk.


I dunno!  :-)  You'd hafta ask an 8 year old that question.

So how did Gpa do?

Well, he did great.  He came one match short of the bronze in the singles competition and scored a silver medal in the doubles.

Who was more proud? Gpa or his family?  

It's all debatable.

What I myself would have really liked to have seen was Gpa playing in a senior's pool tournament.  If he was on his 'A' game, or even his 'B' game, I think he could have wiped the floor with the opponents proverbial butts.  

Sadly, that's a debate for either another time or never.

Enjoy a few pics for what they are and hooray for Gpa!!!

If you're wondering why Robby looks sweaty, he was hawking balls for some various tables and had a ball doing it!  When Momma and I learned of that while still in Iowa City with Calebber, we were ecstatic that Robby was having as good of a time as Gpa!

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