Monday, April 8, 2013

Pillows, Baseball, Spring, Gardens, Weekends and Time...

What the heck has happened to the weekends?!?

It must be Spring time because it seems like by the time I leave work on Friday afternoons, it's only about 1.5 hours until Sunday evening is upon us again.  Craziness.
This weekend was no exception.  The boys were itching to get their bicycles out so after a few Saturday morning errands, we got the bicycles out and the boys did a little riding while I walked around with the Beast (that's our dog...).

After some serious "two-wheelin'", it was time for garden work.  Daddy tilled up the compost pile (that's a story in itself) while Robby raked the mulch and Caleb shoveled it into a pile. 

Once we were done with gardening, the boys wanted a little baseball, and since Caleb starts playing baseball in a couple of weeks, it's probably time to start teaching him some fundamentals.  That task would be much better taught by Momma, than daddy!  Caleb wanted this picture for G'ma and G'pa.

There's a third varmint out there!  That is our little neighbor boy, Ryan, who really likes to play in our yard.  It's not a problem for me with the exception of the fact that he is not afraid of ANYTHING so he frightens me a bit.  On top of that, when he's out, so is Daisy Mae the chocolate lab, who Caleb is not so fond of.  He did great tonight, standing by Ryan's momma when I was not out there and even petting Daisy Mae when I was!  That's something right there!!

After suppers and baths, Caleb was asked to pick up the living room.  So, he sort of did, gathering all of the pillows and piling them on top of momma who was trying to study for class.

I know that I've left out tons of stuff, and I'm still exhausted after working today (in the office), but I can say that I am looking forward to next weekend, which I'm sure, will go way too fast!!

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