Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My favorite season... and boys!

Fall, the greatest season of all! 

Perhaps not for everybody, but that's how I feel about it.  Football is being played. The summer heat is over.  The cooler weather is upon us. The leaves turn 1000 shades of God and there's an unbelievable beauty nearly everywhere. 

After Saturday mornings football game, the Schmitz Mobile Chaos Unit took one of the original four who are responsible for the chaos unit as we know it, Grandma Schmitz, and went on a drive down Vandalia Rd. to do nothing other than look at the turning leaves.

It was beautiful!  I think there are some of the brightest yellows, oranges and reds that I have ever seen in tree leaves.  If that's a result of the summer drought that we've had, it's a fine result!

Today (Tuesday) momma took the varmints out to Yellow Banks park after she picked them up from school. That's a nice park regardless of the season, and today's pictures sort of prove that!

This is a lookout point facing about due South, somewhat towards Carlisle.  There's a pretty good drop just to the left of the boys there so I'm glad that they do not appear to be jacking around!

The same lookout point looking straight at Carlisle.  Squint a bit and you can see the General Mills plant nearly dead center, but very far off in the distance.

The "eldest", apparently humoring Momma...

The youngest, being himself!

A fantastic photo of two fantastic critters!

I don't even know what to add to a couple of those!  I love my boys and know they're the most beautiful gift ever given!

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