I decided to break this into two posts once I got going thru the pictures. There are piles of photos that I want documented for Caleb to look back on in future years and if I were to put all of those into one post, I suspect it may take forever and day for it to open properly.
Apparently, based on my journal from the trip, this was Day 13. It was also quite the busy day according to notes. For starters, we were required back on Shamian Island to get Calebs TB test read, which only took about 15 minutes total, including the walk to the clinic. Then we had roughly two hours to kill where we were free to do whatever we wanted.
We wanted to hit the Quing Ping Market, and we did, or at least the very edge of it. It's big! Really, really big. So big that they say an estimated 60,000 people shop there daily. We only did the one side of the big road (behind Robby and Caleb in the first photo below) that was facing Shamian Island. We could have gone back into some of the alley ways and that would take you to some of the bigger shopping streets. That would have been really cool to see, but when we weighed the risk of getting lost and not returning within our two hour window vs. just seeing some of it and calling it good, we decided to only view the easy stuff.
This is on the walking bridge across a few lanes of traffic and the "moat" that makes Shamian Island, well... an island. |
On the same walking bridge looking in the opposite direction. The trees on the right side of the photo are along the "moat" and do wonders for blocking the highway noise and creating the relative quiet of the island. |
This, to me, was interesting. This is at the end of the bridge (or beginning, I guess, depending on which side you originate from) but that's an apartment building and it just has steps up from the bridge to go into the second floor of it. The Quing Ping market is immediately below and you can see a small bit of it with the yellow awning in the lower right of the photo. We went down a LONG flight of stairs just left of this photo. |
...and when you get down those steps successfully, you're pretty much in the market. You can't really tell what's in those bags and quite honestly, I don't remember all that well, but I think this particular "shop" was the little sea critters such as star fish, sea horse, and so on. |
This appears to be bulk spices... This photo is kinda cool because it is representative of how the shops in China are along the roadways. They're essentially garage doors that open up immediately into their shops about 15-20 feet away from traffic. I suppose they might be considered Chinese strip malls? |
Again, I have no idea what these things are. The long/tall things on the right side of the photo looked like snakes then and they still do now, because they are! I did not waste much time around this fella, although I'm sure he's a pleasant guy. Don't believe me about the snakes? Take a closer look: |
Sorry about the graininess of the photo but I had to zoom quite a bit. Look closely, you can see at least one snake head/mouth. Now, what on earth would a person need to buy a dead snake for, much less buy them in bulk?!? I'll leave that up to you for speculation... |
An alley way to the much larger market area that we did not go down. |
The above photo is one of those alley ways which would take you to a larger street for shopping and so on. Hopefully, you can see why we didn't go thru there cause you could not see these alleys until you were right in the opening to them. Without a guide, I fear we would still be in Guangzhou.
Here's a video of some dude and his wife on their tour, with a guide, back in the deeper shopping. These people have several vids out there and they're kind of neat 'cause you get to hear the sounds of the street instead of just looking at photos.
And, the second alley that we did not go down... |
This is mushrooms. Nothing but various species of fungus. |
I don't recall what this store sold and when I zoom in really tight to the photo to look at the wares, it appears to be noodles or shells and I honestly cannot tell. Absolutely fascinating. |
These are fairly new apartment high rises. I think they said in 2006-2007, Guangzhou was about 9 million people and it was about 12 million when we were there, late 2011. |
The market we just walked thru is back behind that fence in roughly the center of the photo. That's mom with little Caleb in her arms by the pole out there and Robby running to get in on the photo op. The big thing above my head is the steps to walking bridge at our current location. The bridge here goes over the ground level traffic, hence the term... uh, bridge, and under the road you see going up the right side of the photo. |
Rob made it! Notice the Chinese man who is curious about the "white" Americans. That really never got old. |
Here we are up on the bridge heading back to the island. |
Again... and this is looking back towards the market, note the same fence. |
As you can kind of tell, from these photos as well as other posts, I was truly amazed with the roadways here. The amount of elevated roads was truly stunning. A good portion of the drive from our hotel to Shamian Island was about at the level of the road overhead in this photo. You would literally be looking into fourth floor apartments which were no more than 20 feet from your bus window. Many of these folks do not have access to our fancy level of doing laundry so everything from shirts to pants to pajamas to underwear would be hanging outside, next to the four-story highway, drying! |
There's the fence again. It was around a construction site in the demolition phase. |
This is a zoom of that photo. Those step railings that are on the far right of the photo are where the market begins. That cluster of building more in the center is where the bigger part of the market goes back into. It's hard to tell from the photo just how "clustered" those buildings are, but I wanted to try to give a slightly better idea of just exactly why we did not go back in there. |
Just more elevated roads... |
This is coming off of the walking bridge. This lady was selling some type of root that was maybe a form of yams? Never-the-less, she had an interested buyer. In the upper right of the photo is the bridge across the moat back onto Shamian Island. |
And here we are on the bridge. Remember back in this post, when I said the river was low and so the smell of the moat was hampering some of the serenity of the photos? That sludgy crap on the left side of the moat is probably why! |
That's it for this one!
Next post we'll continue on with our shopping on Shamian Island and the stuff we purchased, which wasn't much.
Until then, take care and God Bless!
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