Monday, July 16, 2012

Doctors, doctors and more doctors...

Today, Monday, July 16th, Caleb had another follow-up appointment in Iowa City.  It was six weeks after his last appointment, which was his one month follow-up.  Time flies!

He did pretty good.  I say, "pretty good" because one of the docs came in to look at his ears and mouth and said that there was some wax buildup that needed to be removed from his ears to be able to see the ear drums properly.

So off to another room we went, with the anxiety building, and as soon as that chair was reclined back, we lost him. NO! He did NOT perish but you would not have known that from the screaming. Screaming bloody murder...  ear drum splitting screaming...  physical pain inducing screaming...  you get the idea!

Regardless, his ears are fine.  His palate is looking good too even though there is a small fistula (that's likely spelled wrong, it means "opening") towards the back where the newly constructed uvula is. It's small and the doc said that he would like to wait until the speech develops more to determine if it's worth fixing or not.

We also did some 3D imaging of the boy that was really cool and very CSI'ish!  They took his photo with 8 cameras at one time to get his entire head and then you can rotate it with a joystick to see under the jaw, the top part of the head and either side as well as the front.  As I said, very cool.  And since I was sitting behind him holding him on my lap, my face was partially recreated and I looked very ominous and a bit mysterious!

Caleb also had an appointment with his pediatrician a week or so ago.  That was interesting because she graphed his measurements (height, weight and something else) from our initial visit in January of 2012 as well as his last measurements in China.

Where he falls on the scale for height, percentage wise and based on American kids' averages, was the interesting part for me.  His China measurements had him in the 17th percentile, his January measurements (we had him for about a month) had him in the 19th percentile and last week he was in the 51st percentile!  Holy sprouts, Batman!!

I guess that's what a heapin' helpin' of protein can do for a little fella!!

More tomorrow (hopefully!).

Take care, Caleb and I are off to band practice!

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