Saturday, March 14, 2020

No Boots? No Problem!

Caleb had his friend, Ben (or as Caleb used to call him, Benny, but is now Benji) over yesterday. Ben brought his Xbox over and they did hook it up, but I think out of the 9 hours that he was here, I think they were outside for about 8 hours of it. 

Which, of course, is awesome!!

I played a little football with them over my lunch and when I was done working for the day, but they played baseball, basketball, and probably a few other things that I didn't witness.

At one point, they got the idea to go play in the creek, but didn't have any good boots to wear.

What to do, what to do?

At first, they tried plastic grocery bags with rubber bands, and after much struggling and giggling, they came to the conclusion that it probably wouldn't work.  So I suggested garbage bags that would cover more of their legs. 

They thought that was genius so off they went.

I present to you:

That's blue painters tape.  Caleb extremely impressed with their cunningness, and exclaimed, "This is how adventures happen, Dad!".  

I'm not sure we have any tape left, but, oh well.

This is after they came back up.  They're muddy from the top of their heads to the tips of their toes and the garbage bags tore so their shoes were soaked and muddy too. 

LOL!!!   I don't know what to say...

Ben was having a rough time getting all of that tape off. 

I had the boys put their muddy clothes on the towel and I went and did a load of laundry as to not send home a bunch of muddy clothes with Benny's dad!

Ben took a shower in Rob's bathroom downstairs and Caleb took a shower in his bathroom upstairs...

This is how adventures happen!

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