Wednesday, December 4, 2019

2019 Mini-Vaca3(but really 1), Chicago, Pt 2 - Shedd Aquarium & Walking

Our day 2 saw us up and awake at a respectable time to have some breakfast and head back into downtown.  This time we really went into downtown as Rob wanted to see where the Chicago Bulls played (United Center, I think...).  So we went and found that, saw some other noteworthy business's such as the hospital where our Pediatrician went to school (Rush University Medical Center,  we LOVE her and what she has done for our Caleb {and Rob to a lessor degree} after bringing him home and her "building" as much history as she could, not giving a CRAP about how much time it took!) and I forget some of the other stuffs we saw and noted...   but, it was a cool drive around downtown without much traffic.

But, here's one that should probably have been explored more!

I do not recall what the actual business is, but it really doesn't matter.  The big white letters on the side of it say, "Sausage, Bacon and Beer".  WHATEVER they're selling, Teddy's buying!

The Shedd Aquarium!  Love this place!  Mama and I came here way, way, WAY back before kiddos and loved it then.  It's better with kiddos even tho they wear out faster than our old tired butts because they get bored quicker, but they both liked it.  Robby declared our Chicago trip the favorite of the 3 we took this year (stating he really enjoyed all 3!)  because we had time to "just chill" at the end of the day.  Sort of teenager'ish, but he's a teenager and is a good kid, so he's earned the right for "just chillin'"...  I think.

Hey buddy!

I cannot NOT take a picture like this. I don't know how they do it, but I think it is soooooooo cool that they balance on their tails like this with their mug out of the water and remain perfectly still!!!  I'll take pictures every time!

Smooching turtles.

Mama and Robby looking out the window at Lake Michigan.  Love, love, love this picture!

Dolphins and some sort of fishy looking blob.  That would probably be me if I were a fish...

This is my favorite because this room is the coolest where you have the dolphin pool with the wall of windows overlooking Lake Michigan!  Oh, and you get to see dolphins perform, which if you don't enjoy???  Your soul is dead.  Just sayin'...


Dolphins walking on the water!

Leaping dolphins!

In the tunnel with fish of various kinds swimming around and above you.

Including sharks.

My loves!!!

We were walking over to the Harold Washington Library for something that Mama had found online and wanted to see.  I didn't know why we were going there, but didn't question it either as she usually finds cool stuff for our family to do/see.
Robby (adoring the little doggy!) with Dad and Caleb pretty much in the position to take the previous photo.  This one was taken by Mama.  I'm fat...

That's it for this one.  The next post will cover part deux of our deuxed...  deuxes, d...  second day.

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