Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Schmitz 2018 Vaca, Post 13 - Acadia Ntl. Park, Part 4

Ah, fond memories of this from back when Lesley and I, along with my sister Doris, hiked Bubble Rock.

 A storm was blowing up while we were on top and a local fella politely reminded us that we should start down with the weather rolling in.

We heeded his message and started our descent with the rain picking up slowly as we made our way back to our vehicle.

That was the beginning of a very long, stormy night.  But that is a story for another time!

Today, Lesley and I are back on Bubble Rock but this time we have our varmints!

The varmint who loves hiking!  Caleb is ready to go!

I didn't take many pictures on the way up as I was far more focused on breathing, but here's the lad on top of the first "bubble".

The little "mountain goat" hiking his way happily across the terrain.

And the other boy who was enjoying himself but was nowhere near as enthusiastic as the smaller Chinese boy.

Rob would sometimes pride himself on taking the path less traveled, which would occasionally cause heart palpatations for his parental types.

Caleb and Mama blazing the trail.

One of SO MANY cool views!

Those low clouds moving in are a bit reminiscent of the storm that rolled in some 20 years back that I mentioned earlier.  These were not nearly as ominous looking though.

The rock that looks like it's sitting on the edge of the world.

This may be the point where Caleb was dancing, or rather, Flossing, when he stumbled and nearly went over the edge...  He thought it was quite funny and the other 3 of us had to restart our hearts.

Another angle.  Seriously can't believe that vandals haven't sent this over the edge yet...

Another view of why I love Maine.

Calebber and Dear ol' Dad!

We got them to stand mostly still and mostly smile for a pic at the top.

Ran into some other folks who were happy to take a fam pic for us!

I believe that sign says, "North Bubble Elev 9722 ft"

The sign says the same thing here.

There's hikers over there if you can squint hard enough to find them!

And so ends our hiking of North and South Bubble Rock.  Fun, fun times and the boys both enjoyed themselves, which is always a plus!

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