Friday, February 9, 2018

Hawaii Vaca, Post 21 - Day 8 Part 2 - Tubing (part2)

So in the previous post, Day 8 Part 1 - Tubing (part 1), I had mentioned that our tour guides for our tubing trip, Kauai Backcountry Adventures, had found another market outside of just tubing, zip lining and other stuffs that they offer: photography.

As I had said, we didn't take our phones (cameras) since we really didn't know what we were getting ourselves into.  But, KBA has a photographer who goes up to certain points in the irrigation ditches and takes pictures of the tubers as they came thru and then upon returning home, you can purchase those pictures from their web site.  Which is how I did these two posts.

So the first post was the people in the group.   That's all well and good, but it did a poor job of showing what we were tubing thru. 

This post will remedy that by actually showing more of the "trail", the tunnels and so on.

The van that hauls your carcass out to the starting point of your tubing adventure.  You need those kinds of tires as it rains quite a bit where you're at and the roads are pretty much nothing but red'ish volcanic ash.  They're bumpy and a little greasy in spots.

This was up near where you start the tubing.  It's no wonder why they film movies like Jurassic Park in these parts as well as movies about Vietnam and other wars.  On the drive to get us started, they showed us one of the palm trees (not native to the islands!) that the top was blown off of in a war scene.  Since the fruit bearing part of the tree was no longer, they just left the stump, but the full trees that they brought in for the filming had to be removed once filming wrapped.

Now we're actually getting into some of the areas that you don't get to see in the previous post.

Cave number 1.

Cave number 2.

Things would get a little knotted up in areas like this.  You're instructed to feel free to kick the other tubes around you to break things loose in the event that you did get stuck.

There's are "mammoth" waterfall we went over!

I'm truly not sure what this is but I'm sure we passed it and I missed it.

This is the longest cave and gets pretty dark.  It's also the one where a sharp rock in the wall introduced itself to the back of my neck.

So there you have it and I would highly recommend it!  

Caleb saw me getting the pictures ready for these two posts and said, "OOOOoooohhhh!  That was the BEST!!  I will definitely do that again some day!".

And I have no doubt he will.

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