Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Boys In Their Natural Habitats

I kid of course, but I was cleaning pics off of the camera in preparation for todays easter egg coloring activities and ran across these...

Well, truly, the one of Caleb is from this morning.  I had awoken at 4:30 and, unlike days when I have to go to work, I couldn't get back to sleep.

So I figured that I would get up, clean the kitchen a bit, do some accounting documentation for my work and otherwise enjoy a quiet morning.

Caleb got up about 25 minutes after I got up.  I asked him, "what are you doing up!?".  He replied, "I be up with you! Maybe we snuggle?".

Can't find fault in that!!

So anyway, I was finishing my kitchen stuffs and he was bored so he grabbed my phone and started playing a race game on it. His choice of seat?

In the coldest corner of the house. In the messiest room of the house...  Go figure.  A couch, love seat, and two recliners in the living room and that's the spot he picks.

The title of the post is a bit misleading, because since the football season has ended, Robby has been outside playing basketball almost every day.  He also got another smaller sized football since his last one blew up and he's been running routes while Dear ol' Dad is rehabbing a sprained foot/ankle.  Oh sure, I'd still be the QB even if I was 100% healthy as running doesn't really agree with me.

And last, I leave you with a snippet of an email my neighbor sent me yesterday.  They watch the boys in the morning on the nights when Lesley works 3rd shift and I go in early.  2 - 4 times a week.

She owns a later model convertable Trans Am that she's looking to maybe sell.  The boys get a kick out of being delivered to school in that car, as you might imagine.

So she asked them if she should sell the car and the following short conversation was had:

Rob- ‘No, you can’t do that!’ 
Caleb- ‘Ya! Do it!’ 
Rob- ‘Hey you shush’ 
Caleb- ‘you shush’ 
Rob- ‘you shush your face’ 
Caleb, nonchalant, head buried in his toast – ‘You shush your butt’… 
Rob about fell over in his chair… 

Robby's in trouble when that boy begins to start feeling his Cheerios!

Happy Easter weekend to ALL!!!

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