Friday, November 28, 2014

Strings n' Things...

As with most projects, what starts off as a small project blossoms into a bigger-than-expected-costing-more-money-than-planned project.  This was no different, but not as bad as it sounds either.  

Can't see but one guitar in this photo, but you get an idea of how many hundreds of cd's were on the wall behind "Hollywood RongBo".  Peeling them off the wall and picking the remaining glue off took the longest because the discs would get behind your fingernails until they bled, meaning you may have to put a week or two in between peeling sessions to let the digits heal.

But alas...

Woooo - Hooooooooooo!!!!  It's been a long process of peeling cds, picking the glue, fixing the holes and missing paint, painting, repainting since the white I chose went on EXACTLY the same color as the old white, but dried with a tiny hint of blue in it, so it looked like crap, and so on it went.  But with the help of the boys, and getting to show them some "Ted Math" on how to figure out spacing and leveling, we got'er done!

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