Thursday, August 7, 2014

Some Camp Of Wonderful (you know the song!)

Robby had another kind of camp this week; FOOTBALL!

It was organized chaos at it's finest.  The South East Polk football players put it on with their coaches and it's truly a wonderful thing.  I think the high skooluurs have, or had, such is the case, as good a time, if not better than the lads and few ladettes that attended.

They broke the kids into offense and defense on the first night and then switched to the opposite sides for the second night.

Robby told me last night after piano lessons that he thought that the camp helped open his mind to playing pretty much anywhere on the field.

On the other hand, I heard the football team captain talking to the kids and said that the kids who continue to like football as they grow up will continue to come back to the camp and therefore have the basics pretty well down by the time they get to high school and want to play.

During a passing drill.  Robby is in a white Aaron Rodgers jersey just to the right of the middle of the pic.

I'm unsure of what drill this is but Robby and some other boy are showing some hustle!

A receiving drill.  Robby did good at these although sometimes I think he was too focused on trying to impress people rather than simply catch the ball and let THAT impress them.

Kind of a wide shot to give an idea of how many varmints attended this thing!

I had a few more pictures that I was going to add but these are pretty much from my fancy-dancy hi-tech phone and they keep flipping upside down when I try to add them.

I don't have time for such shenanigans...

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