Monday, February 17, 2014

Vacation - Post #11, The Washington Zoo

Zoo day on vacation. Otherwise known as taking the monkey's to see the monkey's.

Just kidding, but it's sort of true.  Truly, we like zoos.  We've been to the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha probably a half dozen times or more and I will gladly go again next year.  We've taken the boys to the zoo in Guangzhou, China (as nearly all of the families went), the New Zoo up in Green Bay, our own Blank Park Zoo here in Des Moines and probably a few others that I'm forgetting.  Mom and Dad have also been to the Tulsa and Dallas zoos and again, probably more that I'm forgetting.

So we found ourselves at the Smithsonian National Zoo with our friend and tour guide, Marylynn, Liena, Ethan and on this day, their Grandma & Grandpa whom we had also met while in China.  I was excited to see them as they are fantastic people and we enjoyed their company the first time we met and every time since.  This visit was no different.

I was/am somewhat surprised about the location of this zoo.  It is located, roughly speaking of course, about 3 miles due North of the National Mall.  If you were not paying particularly close attention driving down Connecticut Ave, it would be entirely conceivable to drive right on past the entrance.

But alas, we had our trusty tour guide in the vehicle with us so there were no incidents to speak of.

This was orangutang highway.  I was somewhat amazed by it much like I was amazed at some of the wiring on the outsides of buildings in China, albeit, for differing reasons.  This was to keep the orangutangs in and crazy people out.  Looks like it should be discouraging enough for either of those two parties to help them tow the proverbial line during weaker moments.

Robby rocking some shades while showing off the guns.

Liena and Caleb enjoying a short break from the action with some drinks.

Caleb captured during an inquisitive moment!

That's Marylynn up front facing the kids.  She had a teaching moment and obviously was doing well by the crowd she's attracting.  What is she teaching about?  Well, if you look closely to her right, there's what appears to be a large acrylic tube with stones in it.  Only those aren't stones.  They're elephant poops.

Caleb, Robby and Liena on a bird who looks worried enough.  Ethan was taken by Grandpa to attend some important bidness, which is why he is missing from this photo.

This was one of my favorite animals.  It's a maned wolf and while it looks a little more "fox'ish" than say a wolf might, it drew quite the crowd. This was the best picture I got of the thing but there's a better picture here, with cubs.

Robby trying to figure out what it would be like to be eaten by a T-Rex.  I gave him my typical answer for when he's curious about how bad it would hurt, which is, "It'd hurt real bad, but only for a second!"

Towards the end of our day, the kids and Marylynn rode the carousel.  I can only watch for a short time before the rotation of it starts making me ill.  Age, I tells ya. AGE!!

Hippie boy enjoying the same.

Look at little Ethan there!  Grandpa took a break in E's stroller prior to us stopping for Grandpa to buy ice cream for all of the kids.

So that about wraps up that day.  A great day was had and it kind of sucked to say goodbye to G'ma & G'pa after only several hours.

Until next time!

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