Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Vacation - Post #10, The National Mall

So we pick up our story on what we assumed was going to be an easy walk from Arlington National Cemetary to the Lincoln Monument...  foolish Iowans.

Reminds me of the time in Las Vegas when Aunt Molly and Dear ol' Dad were going to walk from the Circus Circus hotel over to whatever hotel had the Star Trek ride/exhibit/whatever it was (possibly called The Star Trek Experience, if memory serves).  We lit out shortly after lunch time in a baking sun and arrived after walking "a couple of blocks" nearly an hour later.  

It's Vegas.  

It's HOT!!  

Things are larger than they seem when your most common point of reference is a city block in Iowa.

And this is where our story picks up...  This pic was taken shortly before a fantastic black fella driving a bus pulled up beside of us and told us to get in.  It was a completely empty bus and he was returning to the Lincoln Monument after driving some fine folks from that side of the Potomac to Arlington.  We got on the bus with him and he gave us a personal little tour with his microphone as he drove. No charge. He just noticed some folks walking with kids and having driven that route several thousand times, realized how naive we were as parents trying to make the walk, and decided to pick us up.  We tipped him well.  He is/was a fine man who will be remembered by the Schmitz Mobile Chaos Unit! God Bless you, bus driver man!!  Notice the Lincoln Monument up ahead in the distance behind the street lamp poles!  We had a ways to go yet!

And so after getting dropped off by the fantastic bus driver, we had a snack/drink at a little stand and headed off walking again.  We had arrived at the Lincoln Monument in relatively good shape.  Again, the sheer size of things does not come into focus until you're upon them.

This place is huge!  That's Momma and China boy off to the bottom left of the photo.  Where's Robby?  Probably trailing behind but I'm sure he was within a safe distance...

Caleb likes himself some Abe!  Seriously, he pointed out every A.L. we saw on this trip and to a certain extent, still does!  I think the scaffold was due to the final clean-up of the mentally ill lady who spread the green paint across things in a less than stellar moment for her.

The speech, carved in marble.  Robby delivered it for me and whoever else was standing near.

Momma and the critters down front of the monument.

Daddy and the critters in roughly the same spot, albeit looking the other direction.

Caleb and Robby at the spot where Martin Luther King delivered the amazing & famous, and amazingly famous "I have a dream" speech".  Prez Obama was to be in this spot within a couple of weeks of our visit speaking from this very spot.

At the edge of the reflecting pool.

This is the 3 Soldiers statue commemorating the Vietnam War.

The memorial wall with the service men and womens names in it.  I liked this photo although it may not represent much to anybody who wasn't there.

This is Constitution Gardens Pond.

The main entrance into the WWII Memorial.

Looking up from roughly that same spot.

This is what's inside the WWII memorial.  All 50 states are represented around the outside of the this area and it's really much cooler than our meager little photos show.

Truly, this day included our visit to the front fence of the White House, the Washington Monument and much other stuff that is not document here as I sort of covered it in the other posts of Downtown DC.

That's partly because of having photos from 3 cameras and the fact that we threw all of those photos together into one folder and also due to the fact that I did not blog as it was happening and I have a really, really, REALLY bad memory.

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