Sunday, December 8, 2013

An Apple A Day...

Well, after about 30 different tries to get the silly blog service to upload pictures correctly, it worked!


So what's been going on?  Not much. We had one of my work buddies from a former assignment offer me some apples as it seems his tree had produced a bumper crop.

I accepted thinking that we would simply compost whatever apples weren't good enough for "processing" into either applesauce, frozen apples or juicing.

So after he dropped off nearly 40 gallons of apples,  we decided that we would begin Saturday morning with the processing of some applesauce.  We peeled, cored, carved and whatever else about as many apples as we could with us still remaining healthy at the end of the process.

We did one of the two tubs he brought to us.

Our backs are still aching from the processing of the silly things...

Here's China boy Caleb, using the thingy-ma-bob that has a special name that nobody knows.  He washed about the first 15 gallons of apples before becoming disenchanted and watching Peppa The Pig on the internet.

Mom and Master C working together. 

What do we do with the rest of the apples?  Who's to say?  Perhaps juice them or whatever but I don't have enough back left in me to carve chop n' cook another 18 gallon container!

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