Friday, October 4, 2013

Robby: The Guitar Playing, Navy SEAL... kinda...

Robby had a pretty good week as far as in the minds of 8 year old boys go.

First off, a little back story.  Back in the Spring, Rob was having a bit of trouble after Spring break.  Nothing crazy, but just little things as youngsters get restless as the end of the school year approaches.

I had a talk with him and we decided, along with momma, that if he could finish the year without any more troubles, I would get him his first guitar.  He was interested in one (or two) of my guitars and I was not overly hesitant about giving him one of those, but that is not the same as having your own.

So we made a deal.  The boy lived up to his end of the bargain and summer came... and went...

Dad started a new job, complete with starting his own LLC, Momma graduated from nursing school and we made it out to Washington DC to visit friends we made in China while adopting Caleb.

As a result, the guitar kept getting delayed...  Lo and behold, the new school year came and we still had not fulfilled the promise!

So this week, after much reassuring that we were going to, Dad and Robby finally pulled the proverbial trigger and got him his own guitar.  

His FIRST guitar!!  

I remember mine...  it was a Woolworth classical with the three nylon strings.   Not quite conducive to playing along with KISS Alive II, but I thought it was the greatest thing ever!!

Here is the hippie boy with his first guitar!  The deal is, he has to learn one thing per week with it.  Not a big a deal as we've already touched on about half a dozen things so far, and he's only had it for about 30 hours, as I type.

If the guitar wasn't enough, Robby got two new costumes this week. The first was Ninja costume but it was just a bit too small and not of great quality, so it was returned for the Navy SEAL costume.  He has a great admiration for them and his understanding of what they do, so it was his second choice.  In my opinion, a good one!  I do think that hair is probably a touch too long for a SEAL...

Caleb thought the whole thing was a huge bunch of stuff, very similar to Rosey's poo!  From his perspective, he's absolutely correct!

He does not realize that Robby needed a costume for this Saturday's costume party, while his own costume is not needed for another 23 days or so.

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