Saturday, September 8, 2012

The other "another new beginning"...

Well, since Dear Ol' Dad is a dork, I left all three readers of this blog in a bit of an extended cliff-hanger when I said in the last post "Tomorrow night, another new beginning...", and then, failed to post anything for a solid four days!

The reason for those shenanigans?  I forgot to take the stinkin' camera to Robby's first football practice.  

After roughly 6 seasons of soccer, Rob decided that he wanted to play flag football instead.  Fine with me, I actually understand some of the rules to this sport.

So that was Wednesday night. Come Friday evening, he had practice number two so I planned ahead starting on Thursday night by moving the camera to the spot where I set my wallet and keys in an effort to remember it this time.

The extra effort paid off.  I remembered it... oh sure, I also dropped it on the playground rocks as well, but that's a different story.

On to some photos!

That's Robby in the bright blue shirt.  This is the boys doing their warm up running.

Robby's up doing the drill where they basically go around in a square shuffling their feet and keeping their hands up as they would be against a defender.

The same drill...  different location.

It's a little hard to tell with the photo this size, but Robby is INTENTLY listening to the coach.

More intense practicing.  If Robby lacks anything in any skill department, he makes up for it in his desire to do good at football and to impress coaches!

This is actually practicing a play out of their playbook that Coach Greek handed out last night. He runs a cool program and the organization of it is impressive and couldn't be more fair for each of the kids.
That's all for the football pics but that wasn't the end of the evening.  Not a chance with a nice school playground nearby!
Caleb, the ham, hamming it up as he does nearly every time he notices the camera pointed at him.

Caleb is discovering the joy of hanging upside down, but he's not quite confident enough to let go with the hands yet.

This is one of Caleb's favorite things there. It's a dinosaur climbing thingy-ma-bob...

The other ham...

Again on the dinosaur.

And finally, the eldest monkey on the bars named after him.

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