Monday, April 30, 2012

Weekends... they don't make'em as long as they used to!

Here it is, the beginning of another work week. Where do the weekends go? I have no idea...

Friday, Lesley and Caleb went up to Grandma E's house to help get her packed up for her move to Pleasant Hill in mid-May and to bring a van load of stuff back to our house for storage until then. I picked up Robby from school, had a special "Robby" dinner of hot dogs and Phineas & Ferb Kraft macaroni and cheese.

After dinner, we went back up to school for Reading Under The Stars. It's an event where you can take blankets, sleeping bags, flashlights and books to read with your kid(s). They have the gymnasium lights turned off and then strung strings of white Christmas lights around the gym off of the basketball hoops. It was really quite a neat event. They had one classroom set up for a "build a book" activity, which we did. They had another classroom set up for a math-based Jeopardy game, which we didn't do. The BIG reason we were going though is because they had a book fair in the library and Robby had spotted a book on the Titanic that he was going to own, come hell or high water! There are so many short, funny stories around this...  the boy wanted that book!!!

We purchased that book and a book called Tenticles (had to watch carefully on what I actually typed there!!) about squid (mmmm... calamari...), octopus (octopusses? octopi? hmmm...). They also had a table set up for a book swap. Bring a book or two in and take a book or two out. Robby took two books in that he had started to read but didn't care for. We found a big hardcover book called The History of Football. We are the new owners of that! He picked out another book as well. 

They had piles of books at the end of the night so Rob ended up with about 6 new books when we got home as well as he and dad having a good time laying on a very hard gymnasium floor reading the Titanic book together. That pretty much chewed up Friday night. 

Then, I have Bible study on Saturday mornings from 6am - 8am. We're currently studying the book of John and it's been nothing short of fascinating so far.  This past Saturday morning was no exception.

We were home for a while after Bible study just doing some things around the house... painting the boat that Robby, Caleb and I have been building (small boat for the swimming pool this summer), listing cds for sale on amazon and gettting some cheapy's ready for the garage sale in May. 

Around 3pm, Momma took the boys out to her friend Carmens farm as they have a calf that is blind and being bottle fed. Robby had a great time and got to feed the calf but poor little Caleb, who is not at all fond of critters, was being carried by Momma for a good portion of that trip.

On the way home from the farm, they stopped at Chopsticks to get supper.  We brought something home from China which says you eat long noodles on your birthday for "long life".  Since it was his birthday, Caleb got him some noodles. Long life or not, he enjoyed the crap out of them!

Sunday morning, I had to be at Crossroads Church in Norwalk, IA. at 7am as I was playing guitar for Sunday's worship. All of that went well and I had a great time despite being quite nervous as I had not been playing much guitar since our gig at Freedom For Youth back in late September.  Also, this particular Sunday marked the first time that Caleb got to see daddy playing guitar somewhere other than the basement! When they walked into the gymnasium where services are held, Caleb spotted me up on stage and yelled, "BA BA!!!".  It was a great moment that I shall not soon forget. Nor shall any of the regulars at that church who were sitting nearby when he yelled out!  :-)

We got home from that around 11am and had lunch. I planted another couple of bags of canna bulbs (I probably butchered that spelling much like I did of palette/palate) in an annoying mist and only have two more bags to go.

Robby had a soccer game at 2:15.  At roughly 1:45, it went from an annoying mist to a good steady & heavy rain.  It was also about 50 degrees outside with a stiff wind to boot!  Not the ideal conditions to be sitting outside watching a game being played or playing the game itself.  I took him up to the game and thankfully, it ended up being cancelled.

We went back home, popped a heaping pile of popcorn so me and the boys could pig out while watching the Princess Bride.  I about busted a gut laughing at that movie and I had to stop and explain some of the humor and jokes to Robby, but man, what a fun, side-splitting trip down memory lane!

On to a few photos...

Robby has energy. Lots of energy.  Sometimes, on nice days when he's about ready to boil over, we send him on "running missions".  This was one of those days.  Usually, he's sent to run over into the neighbors back yard, around a specific tree or LP tank, up the hill into our backyard and then maybe lap it, depending on his energy surplus/sassiness.  On top of that, he's been gassed a few times recently during soccer games.  You see, football season has been over for several months so he's not running thru the living room catching passes from dad for four hours every Sunday afternoon.

That's Robby beneath the pinkish lightning bolt added by me (and barely visible...) to be able to spot him easier.

Aaaaannnnndddddd... that's Robby, gassed after the run up the hill and taking a break.  Note my new potato hills directly behind the swing set that is directly behind Robby. I built three terraced levels this year on a hill that is otherwise very scary to mow on a tractor.

Here's Robby bottle feeding the blind calf.

And another...  that's Carmen's very cute grand daughter with Rob.

Every post should have at least one Caleb smile!  Here 'tis.

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