Greetings and salutations to one and all.
Lots of hits from a LOT of different countries in the past couple of days. I'm not sure why that is, but it is certainly exciting. Here's hoping and praying that it's partly because of people getting the word out about Julie. Do not cease on forwarding, spreading the word and PRAYING for her to find a family.
I thought I'd write a post that was not specific to anything but just about what we've been up to. This weekend saw the close of my most recent Bible study, "Winning At Work and Winning At Home". Good stuff. We've decided as a group to keep meeting on Saturday mornings at 6am and we'll be reading and discussing the Book Of John next. I'm excited for that! We've also discussed some other options for meeting in the evenings some other time and we'd call the group, Beer's And Bibles. Surprisingly enough, this was NOT my idea. :-)
We also went out to the Gusto Pizza for lunch on Saturday with Aunt Doris and Uncle "Leonard" Frank and then to the Drake women's basketball game. A good time was had by all. The boys were excited early on because the blimp flew over us and Daddy caught a piece of paper from it for a free McDonalds medium fries. I'm not sure where the second one came from, possibly the older lady behind us, but both boys ended up with a coupon.
Yesterday it was snowing out and I had mentioned, merely mentioned... no promises, that we MIGHT be able to go outside and throw the football a little bit. That turned into a raging, unquenchable burning desire for Robby to get out there and not only throw the ball around, but to "play" a full 4 quarters game of football as well. I'm not sure that I've mentioned it on this blog before, but I have a broken foot that is healing nicely, I hope, and "playing" football was not really what I had in mind. No worries, I pulled it off without incident.
This morning (Monday), I'm at home with Caleb while Momma is up reading with Robby's class. We're getting a new roof on the house today and Mr. Caleb is fascinated with the proceedings!
That's the bulk of our otherwise boring lives right now. Let's get on with some pictures.
Robby on his birthday (March 1st) opening the last of his gifts. This one, the St. Louis Rams Chris Long jersey elicited a response that was best captured in photo. Hence, the photo... |
This is Birthday boy attempting to blow up one of the balloons that his Aunt Karen sent him. He couldn't do it but the facial expressions were gold! |
Caleb getting ride on Momma's shoulders as we're heading to the Drake women's basketball game. |
The boys inside the game. |
Here's the boys taking in a Phineas And Ferb cartoon together. |
Daddy playing Quarterback, Robby as Running back and Caleb wondering what the heck he is doing running up and down the yard when it's cold outside. |
Here's Robby, aka, Steven Jackson on the big run! |
"Brandon Lloyd" (Robby) trying to catch a very well thrown ball from Sam Bradford (daddy). |
Marvin McNutt watching the roofers. |
The crazy roofers! These dudes not only go up onto roofs, they stand right on the edges of those same roofs!! I suppose somebody has to do it, and it's better it be somebody else than me! |
This is the two little monkey's and how they were when I went in to wake them up this morning. |
That's about it from our end of the world... for now...
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