So here we are. The spot where our boy was left by his biological parent(s). This was very exciting and sort of nerve wrecking all at the same time. I suppose if it were the other way around, we wouldn't have gone!
Please visit the older post for some additional details.
This was late in the day when we headed back out after the Puppet Palace tour and lunch. On the way home from lunch, we visited the hospital where little Levi was found. He was left down in the parking ramp area of the hospital and we went down the steps from the main area to find that. asked Mom and Dad if they wanted me to take a photo of them there with Levi and they declined. I can understand... Here is that hospital:
This is in the lobby of the hospital as you can see myself and Caleb off to the left of the photo with Echo, our guide, up at the desk inquiring about anything that anybody might know about Levi. We went down into the parking garage but even before we got there, I noticed rat traps about the size of the average American bread box. Don't know how big that is? Picture a loaf of bread from the store and envision it just slightly bigger! Thems some big rats! |
Here is me and the boys standing on the side of a very, very cold highway while Echo talks to the "chicken man". That's our bus behind us. Little did we know that the bus was going to unexpectedly drive away only seconds after this very cold picture was taken. |
This is only moments later. Chicken man is still talking to Echo as you can see their shadows in the bottom left of the photo, but the bus is gone. We had no idea why it left with some of our people still on it. |
This photo was taken after we walked up the hill from the 4-lane highway to the place where the chicken man had come from. He told Echo that there was a policeman up there who may have information about little Calebs situation or at the very least, the tool booth. Speaking of the toll booth, that yellow and black thingy-ma-gig over the highway was where the toll booth was formally located. |
Here is a better shot of it. This is the only thing that was left of where our precious little boy was found. I mentioned in the previous post on this subject that I find it fitting that our little dude found a family at roughly the same time his drop off/finding spot was torn down. Oh, and the bus just went further up the road and turned around so that the 6 of us out walking did not have to go back across 4 lanes of traffic. |
I've looked at aerial maps of Changchun and tried to figure out where the airport, orphanage and Calebs finding spot were located. I have failed. Miserably. The only thing I can say for sure is that we crossed this river, whatever it was. Honestly, it was too cold to truly care. |
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And just in case anyone should not believe me about how poor of an area that we drove to and from getting to Calebs finding spot, this was taken not too far away from the dude on the bicycle with the big screen tv. It was not an isolated place either! |
That's all the photos we have from this day. We visited little Kai's finding spot in the train station after Calebs but we were rushed and I"m not sure if I've mentioned the fact that it was cold... brutally cold. I was carrying Caleb most of the time which surely puts a damper on taking photos, so it is what it is. After all, the spot within the train station had been remodeled so it looked nothing like it did when he was left/found.
That's all for now.
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