Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Faces of Caleb, Part III

Greetings and salutations!

I was going to make the next post about the Forbidden City, continuing the post about Tian'amen Square. However, once I got into the folder of pictures and began selecting the best to give you an idea of what we saw on that chilly day in early December, I noticed a lot of pics that I wanted to show.

I have selected 40 of them so far and I just got to the point where we get to the Emperor's courtyard, which is towards the end of the visit, but with quite a few pictures remaining. I figure I'll probably break that into two posts, so it will actually load for the people who would like to see it.

In the meantime, I was getting some recent pictures off of the memory card and saw a whole series of pictures that Lesley took of Mr. Caleb out on our deck during one of the unseasonally warm late January afternoons we've experienced lately (ironically, it's snowing pretty hard as I type this and IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!).

Momma took the boys up to Church for a party that Caleb's preschool is putting on. He's had seven classes so far (he goes twice a week, three times a week starting Monday, Feb. 6th). The first two classes, he cried, and cried hard when we dropped him off. By the third class, he didn't cry or even well up, but he was tentative entering the room. Now, 1/2 hour before it's time to leave, he has the dog put in her kennel, his socks, shoes and coat on and is barking at Momma, "Moo-al? Moo-al?". And so on it goes until he's in the van backing out of the garage.

The best part is when you pick him up from 'moo-al', because he is so proud that he is literally about an inch taller. It takes about an hour for him to settle back in after he's home, yet he get's pretty proud when he shows off the artwork done in class too. The boy is ready to blossom!!

So I do not bore you to to tears, off to the photos we go... I'll let them speak for themselves this time around.

Oh, one more thing... In the first photo, he's hold a chocolate graham cracker.  In subsequent photos, those are crumbs from said cracker at the edges of his mouth... thought I should clarify that.

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