Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Calm before the Storm

Mom and dad left today and took Rosey. We really appreciate them watching her while we are gone. Since she has a bit of an anxiety issue it is awesome that she will be with familiar people most of the time. Meanwhile, we are doing lots of laundry and starting to pack. I confirmed our tickets and everything is fine. However I feel like I am repressing panic. I don't really know why - maybe a combination of excitement and the unknown.

Robby is playing football in the living just as he does every day. His big concern is that I made him choose whether he wanted to wear his Hawk jersey or if he wanted to take it to China. It is going to China. The bigger crisis was that his Bradford jersey didn't make it into the wash with the rest of his clothes.

Ted found some street in Beijing that has tons of music stores. I imagine he is trying to figure out how to get a guitar home. He is busy packing. He doesn't seem nervous at all. I guess I'm going to go color my hair so I don't have gray hair when I meet my new kiddo.


  1. Excited that I get to leave your first comment!!! God help us if Rob's suitcase is lost...

  2. I'm excited for you guys ! ! ! I think it's great you created this blog ! ! !

  3. Lots of firsts all at once!! Enjoy them all-- take lots of pictures! Can't wait for our new addition in America! How lucky is he that you two chose him-- and, how lucky are you with all the love and insights he will give! Godspeed!
