Monday, July 17, 2023

NYC Vaca 2023 - Day 2 - Part 1, Central Park

Morning #1. We got up and headed out into the unknown. Grand Central Station is about 4 (long!) blocks from our hotel. It's hot. And a bit humid.  By the time that we got to GSS, I was getting quite sweaty.  By the time you go thru the gymnastics of getting the metrocard our of my wallet into the boys' hands, thru the gates and get the stuff back into my wallet, Lesley was off and (sometimes) running to catch whatever the hell train we had to get on.  Us penis-endowed individuals were making jokes about surviving the gates, and then realizing that Mama Chaos had move 50 ft beyond us and was headed down an escalator to our next ride.  We'd crap ourselves and try to catch up.

In the Subway for the first time that it mattered.  We had to be at some friggin' restaurant that started with an 'F' to meet up with Franky Leggs and his cohort.  The smell of piss is sometimes overwhelming...

We've met Franky and we're are in his chariot!  His cutting into traffic at Columbia Circle by Central Park was a bit...  uh, eye opening.

Just some shots of Central Park...

That's Josh, the Turkish dude who is pedaling for Lesley and Rob.

Anyone recognize that?  That the penthouse that Gene Simmons of KISS bought for Cher back in 1977.

NYC stopped actual vehicle traffic in Central Park fairly recently but there are  still traffic lights.

I love fam pics taken all over the friggin' place!

The movie Elf.

Some seriously rich bastards live in this skyline.  I think Franky said something like 81 out of 800 billionaires lived in this skyline.

Entering John Lennon territory here.  After his death, Yoko Ono donated a butt-ton of money to have this area named Strawberry Fields so that John grew up across the road from Strawberry Fields and died across the road from Strawberry Fields.

I believe that this is the building where all of the 1940's and 1950's gangsters lived with a few murders committed just to keep things real..

John Lennons Place.

Out in front of the building where Lennon was murdered.  It would have been just behind that green sign at the middle right of the photo.

Franky Leggs bicycle failed him as we were ready to head to Strawberry Fields, which is near the end of the cycle tour. We walked thru Strawberry Fields and met Josh at the top who finished the tour and got us some some coffee at his fav stand at the end.

Good stuff and a good start to day 2.

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