Saturday, April 30, 2022

Net Zero - Life Without "Fossil Fuels"

With all of the talk about America and the rest of the world being net-zero in so-called fossil fuel emissions by some arbitrary date pulled out of one's nether regions, my mind has been going there a LOT and, as such, I thought that I would take a peek at what the world would look like at net zero after we've been "weened" off of the lucrative petroleum teat. 

And by the way, I'm not covering Natural Gas or Nuclear here, as my belief is once we would be dumb enough to leave the oil in the ground, everything else is pointless to our way of life.  So if we have no petroleum, we're going to need a LOT of batteries for the so-called "renewables".  

First things first, let's talk about the cobalt used for the lithium ion batteries used in our cellphones, electric vehicle batteries and the big Tesla battery banks and Powerwall systems that they've been placing about (as well as hundreds of other items).

The Democratic Replublic of Congo is estimated to hold ~70% of the Earth's cobalt deposits.  The mining of those deposits are divided into two segments, industrial (large scale) and artisanal (small scale).  Industrial mining in the DRC has oversight and regulations, artisanal does not.  As such, the small scale mining companies employ anyone they can find, including kids starting at 6 years old.

Lets see some quick picks to get your heart and mind straight about this:

In some of the mines,  they have to send in the smaller kids as the larger kids and adults cannot fit thru the narrow passages.

Looks like a bunch of fun doesn't it!?  For their efforts, the kids will make ~one to two dollars a day.  But that is significant enough wealth for them and their families to risk their lives.  They might get to eat when they get back home that night.

At the end of 2021, there were an estimated 10 - 11 million electric vehicles on the roads worldwide, not including scooters/mopeds/etc.  Estimates are all over the place for how many will occupy the worlds roadways by 2040; from 66 million to 230 million!!

At 66 million, cobalt extraction will need to increase by over 500% to cover the batteries for the vehicles alone, save for a very nice increase in efficiency.

Here's the funny, but definitely NOT funny part about all of this.

If we truly were to go net zero, leaving all of the petroleum in the ground, we're not going to have cars anyway, so who gives a rats back side if we have an all electric economy/fleet or not?!?  

Take a look at a list I put together with the help of the interwebs.  I tried to remove some of the nonsense items, combine several similar items and so on.  There will likely be some things that people will pick nits with, and that's fine.  

Here's some of the things that we will no longer produce without petroleum:




 Antifreeze (probably not much of a need for it without petroleum)



 Artificial limbs

 Artificial Turf




 Ballpoint Pens

 Balls - Golf / Football / Baseball / Soccer / Bball / etc…


 Beach - umbrellas / chairs / toys / balls / sandals

 Bearing Grease





 Cars - screw EV's, you won't be able to manufacture them!



 Clothing (as most of us know it!) / Clothesline

 Computers - laptops/ PC's/ tablets/ military???



 Credit cards (Crypto? Remember, no cellphones & likely no job)

 Dentures & Denture Adhesive




 Diesel Motor Oil (won't matter without tires…)

 Disposable diapers


 Electric Blankets

 Electrician's Tape


 Eyeglasses /  Soft Contact lenses

 Fan Belts

 Faucet Washers


 Fishing - Boots / lures / rods / fiberglass boats

 Floor Wax

 Food Preservatives (Shipping is tough, so who needs'em! You're growing your own.)

 Footballs / Cleats / Helmets

 Garden hose



 Golf - Bags / Balls / Carts / Shoes

 Hair - Coloring / Curlers / Dryers / Dyes / brushes / combs

 Hand Lotion

 Heart Valves

 House - Paint/Roofing/most flooring/ appliances/ windows/  concrete/dishes/ and on & on & on!

 Ice Cube Trays & the appliance to put them in


 Insect Repellent & Insecticides


 Life Jackets


 Luggage (can't go anywhere, so who needs it, right?)

 Medical - shut it down! Imagine the hospital / doc's office      without plastics!!!

 Milk jugs (wouldn't matter as it would be tough to get milk  to market…)

 Model Cars (no adhesive anyways…)

 Motorcycle helmets (wouldn't matter, no cycles to ride…)

 Movie film

 Music - CD's/ Vinyl/ Stereos/ Speakers/ phones/ Recording     Equip/ modern instruments

 Nylon Rope

 Oil Filters

 Paint - Brushes / Rollers / sprayers


 Petroleum Jelly


 Plastic (look around where ever you are right now!)

 Purses (wouldn't need one as it's hard to go anywhere, &  you probably wouldn't have a job)


 Refrigerators & refrigerant

 Roller Skates

 Safety glass / glasses

 Shampoo / Shaving Cream /Perfumes /Nail Polish/Lipstick /  toothpaste & brushes

 Shoe Polish (wouldn't matter as you have no shoes either)



 Straws (Thank GOD!!! They ruined the planet a few years  back anyway… terrorists!)

 Sun Glasses

 Surf Boards

 Tennis Rackets


 Tires - vehicles/bikes/lawn mowers/trailers

 Toilet Seats  (won't matter as we'll be going outside into a  big hole)

 Tool Boxes & Racks (not much to fix anymore, sooooo…)


 Transparent Tape

 Trash Bags (no trucks to pick up any trash, so burn    everything. Great for environment!)

 TVs (doesn't matter to me as football is no longer…)



 Vitamin Capsules

 Wading pools

 Water Pipes (pex & probably copper)

 Wire insulation

Notice any obvious omissions?

Without petroleum you cannot manufacture solar panels or wind turbines!!  Offshore wind, you ask?  Nope, even worse.  You still have to manufacture the entire structure but you also need nearly 19,000 barrels of marine fuel for a SINGLE STRUCTURE!!  Most offshore wind farms contain over 100 structures so that's 1.9 - 2 million barrels of marine fuel needed to erect the beast.  Solar power boats?  Sailboats?  Try it and get back to me.

The starting point for talks of a non-petroleum world does NOT EXIST.  Could it after another 30 years of using petroleum, and all of it's products, while we work towards an honest solution?  Maybe, but it's tough to see.

Humans are a resourceful bunch and have made strides in the past but we'll need the government(s) out of our way.  Sadly, it's those same fraudsters, devils & murderers that are pushing this steaming pile of bovine excrement down our throats!


One last thing.  Let's just pretend that we could still manufacture a usable vehicle without petroleum for the sake of this exercise.

Everything's electric in the world now, correct?  What is the cost of electricity going to be at that point?  Remember that no "wind farm" runs currently without 100% back-up of fossil fuels.  What happens when those are no longer used?  The electric grid will fail on a regular basis if not all together. Again, after another 30 years of developing infrastructure, we might be able to have something in place, but it's not looking good at this point.

Good luck in that upcoming winter too.

Idiots the world over...   God help us all.

And yes, I'm completely aware that China, India, Russia and Japan (currently building no less than 22 nuclear power plants!) have no interest in the net zero nonsense which just makes our U.S. leadership seem even more suicidal and, oddly enough, intentional against it's own people.

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