Sunday, January 7, 2018

Hawaii Vaca, Post 17 - Hawai'i Volcanoes Ntnl Park, Pt. 3

So the next part of our adventure through Volcanoes National Park is the hike across the basin floor of this particular lava basin. 

After our lovely pic in the previous post on this subject, of Mom and Caleb making their way down to the basin floor, we start to focus on the landscape that we're about to traverse!

It looks so simple, correct?  Not so!  Make sure you stop when you want to take in the sights surrounding you or you'll find yourself face down in a hurry!

Calebber amongst the rough terrain!

This is where we just came from.  Those people in the middle of the photo kind of give you a reference to scale!

This is where we're going...  Can you find Mama and Caleb in the picture?  It's like a family version of the game, "Where's Waldo?".

and here...

and a beautiful little Chinese boy amid the rough terrain.

When the wind stops blowing, you gasp for air because of how hot it immediately gets, but then, you encounter plants that are growing up thru the volcanic rock such as these.  Seeing where "stuff" can grow gives an interesting perspective on life in general!

Robby, taking careful steps because if you don't, shame on you and all of your injuries!

Rongbo the fantastic in a similar situation!


Walking across areas like this were slightly unnerving!

Some more perspective on the size of everything.

Caleb and Mama as we're reaching the 3/4 mark of the basin.

More amazing vegetation in the middle of wastelands.

Almost home!  Which truly means that we have a HUGE uphill hike and more...

We made it!

A close up to prove that we made it!

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