Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Family Reunion Weekend - Biwer edition

The first weekend in August was known as reunion weekend for us as we had my mom's side of the family on Saturday and my Dad's side of the family on Sunday.

So we'll start with Saturday.  Not a lot to say other than it was a lot of fun with a lot of food and good people that I haven't seen in far too long!

This is the nieces and nephews generation.  The larger American Boy and Smaller Chinese Boy are in black shirts in the front row.

This is my generation.  A motley looking crew, no doubt.

And my Momma's generation.

Two fine lookin' young fellas discussing the 3 no-no's.  Politics, religion and...  hunting, as it were.  That's me and my uncle Danny.  He was a little more free with both stories about himself growing up and some stories about my dad as well.

I wouldn't trust this table as far as I could throw'em.  My sister Doris is front left, Lesley is in there towards the back left, and then there's one aunt and the rest are cousins.

And speaking of a table of people not to trust!!  From left to right is my niece Leah, Robby, another niece, Matti, and my nephew Michael.  Those are my brother Vince's kids.

After dinner and some visiting, Uncle Danny took us on a wagon ride out to the farm so the kids could see the animals and us adults could see the farm that we all grew up visiting.  An excellent idea as we all had a blast!

My beautiful bride, Lesley and my lovely sister Doris on the wagon ride.

That's me and yet another niece, Zoe.  We were discussing the finer points of growing up to be a good man...  or something.  I really don't remember what we were talking about, but I have no doubts that it was deep.

So that was Saturday...  next post will be the next day with the Schmitz family.

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