Saturday, May 4, 2013

Baseball, Apple Pie, Wind & Sandstorms... & 37 degrees!

Caleb had his first baseball game on Wednesday, May 1st.  As you know from my last post, we got about 5 inches of snow on Thursday.  The precursor to that snow was a 27 degree drop in temperatures from 5 o'clock Tuesday til 5pm Wednesday.

Now, anybody older than about 6 years old knows that when you have a wild swing in temperatures, you have piles of wind to go along with that.

So by the time his 6pm game rolled around, it was about 37 degrees out with sustained winds of 10mph out of the North, with gusts up to about 40mph.  Sweet Maria, was it miserable!!

But the game must go on...

That's Caleb up at the tee with Coach Joe.  When he came walking out to home plate the first time with the big ol'batting helmet on his head, he had this CUTE little grin on his face looking over at the bleachers.  He got some "Ahhhhs" and giggles for his cuteness!

The next batter up, Caleb is on first base down there getting instructions from his other coach, whose name escapes me as I type this.

Yes, it's him on second base too.  :-)   Nerdy parents, we are.

His second time at bat... still freezing!

The focus. The determination. The will. The cunning!  His little arms get tired after the first time at bat so he tends to hit the tee quite a bit when he's up the second time.  I think it took him 6 swings this time and never once did he swing high. In fact, Coach Joe knocked the tee down a couple of inches for him.

Cuteness.   The little guy behind Caleb took his glove off and put his hands in his pockets at one point. Did I mention it's May 1st and near freezing with a strong wind?

Caleb was going to play third base, but... moved over to the non-existent position that is much like a short stop between 1st and 2nd bases.

They called the game out of mercy after two innings. Not one parent complained.

And that was all she wrote.  We went home and ran nice toasty bath water for the boys so they could defrost.

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