Sunday, August 20, 2023

NYC Vaca 2023 - Day 5 - Part 2, 911 Memorial & uh... Mini-golf

Hmmmm... day 5. Our primary focus for the second part of our day was to hit up the 911 memorial. We had a bit of walking to do and now, to my dismay, I realize that I missed a major landmark by a city block that may or may not figure into a future KISS related post. We'll cover that later.

Just a few pics of buildings that I thought were cool along the way.

The memorial from a block or two away.  I would also add with this photo that if I were to move to NYC, I would immediately open up a scaffolding business!  There is scaffold that is rented all over the city, sometimes for 6 or 7 blocks in a row.

I don't remember exactly what this was but if I recall correctly, it had some serious relationship with 911.  It's pretty much right across the street from where the memorial is.

Security became more and more prominent as we got closer.


Looks like a huge, skinny router!

We were all amazed by the window washers.  Those are some special peeps who apply for that job!

This is where everyone got really, really quiet.  Very surreal and emotional to visit.  I think the boys could feel something even tho they weren't alive when 911 happened.

The Oculous.

Inside the Oculous...

Again with the amazing levels under ground...

Inside the 911 memorial now.

Blurry, but I wanted to include that as those columns are iconic to the initial collapse and the pictures of the buildings.

I think we have more pics later but it's the columns of the building where the plane entered the building.  Kinda freaky to see...

Original steps.

More original steps that were damaged during the collapse.

Different angle.

Part of one of the radial towers on top of one of the twin towers.

One of the fire trucks on site that day.

These are the metal beams from the point of the building where the first plane entered.


One of the remaining columns that rescue crews documented themselves on and others placed stickers and whatever else.

I believe that this is a water release valve but truly, I have no idea at this point.

This was amazing to me.  I can't remember the exact name of that wall, but I think it was called a 'slurry wall'.  I'm guessing that this was the same theory and concept that was built to allow the 4 story underground concept of the subway.  How else do you keep out water when you're surrounded by rivers and the water table has to be ridiculously high!

Back to street level and leaving the memorial site.  That was some heavy viewing. 

Heading towards the river (obviously).

It's kind of become a custom to play some mini-golf while on vaca.  This was a very strange dichotomy from the 911 memorial site to playing mini-golf, but here we are.  When we first got here, the first thing I did was buy a box of water.  Yeah, that's right.  It's like the wine boxes, but it's simply water.  I could not drink enough water with all of the walking that we did in NYC, but then, we hit the links!

And, it's time to head back to the hotel for showers and crashing on the beds to relax in A/C.  Beyond this pic, I really don't remember what any of these buildings are/were.  They were just on our walk back to where ever it was that we picked up public transport again.


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