Leaving for vaca on a Thursday had kind of thrown us all off as to what day of the week we were dealing with. Turns out that this was Sunday morning. We knew in advance that Rob would have some college work to do on this day so the plan was to leave him in the hotel room to give his speech while the other 3 of us would go do some stuff (for dear ol' dad) that he wouldn't have cared about anyway.
The only thing we have on the books for today was the Summit, where you look out over Manhattan in all directions.
So, the 3 of us headed out to the subway and I don't recall exactly where we re-surfaced to ground level but we had a bit of walking to do. The first (and second) points of interest may have something to do with the rock band KISS, again, you'll have to check back for the last post of this vaca to find out.
This was the first point of interest. 10 W. 23rd St. What could possibly have happened in this non-descript building that would be of interest to a fat 53 year old from Iowa? |
Hmmmm... Harry Potter. |
I can't write in much detail about this and all of the other pics from the Harry Potter store as I've not read the books nor seen any movies, but it was pretty cool. |
This was a funny spot (to me, because I'm a little off) as that line of people are waiting to use the only restroom in the joint. Public restrooms in NYC are VERY hard to find so when peeps locate one, there's usually a line. There was a mom who was ignoring her toddler who was desperately trying to get her attention. She was going thru books while the little tike was tugging on her pants and blouse to no avail. She put the book back up on the shelf and grabbed one off of another shelf. Meanwhile, the previous book wasn't done yet. It proceeded to fall off of the shelf onto the toddlers head. Caleb and I had a good belly laugh while waiting for mom! |
The churches are amazing in Manhattan! |
I about $h!+ myself when we got to this building, which may have something to do with KISS and Jimi Hendrix along with a whole host of other artists in Greenwich Village. It's just another store front with such amazing history!!! You'll have to come back for the KISS post to see if/how this building matters. |
Major intersection in Greenwich Village and there's that yellow'ish building on the left there. That's where the 3 of us had some lunch. This is Greenwich Ave and 8th St. |
Old church that is now apparently the Jefferson Market Library. |
More Greenwich Village... |
I'm sure that most everyone recognizes this! It's the Seinfeld restaurant... unless it isn't. If you watch closely on the show, when the cast is in the restaurant, the backwards words on the windows say Monk's Cafe. Turns out that Monks was a cafe in a major studio that was built for the show. We had no idea prior to walking into the place. It was decent food and no harm was done, but we sure would have loved to sit in one of the two frequented booths in the show. |
The famous Beacon Theater! This may have something to do with an upcoming KISS post but... but. You'll have to come back later to see for sure. |
Super cool architecture! |
Back in Grand Central Station after coming back South from the Seinfeld restaurant. |
This place is huge! Have I mentioned that previously? |
Just under the bridge behind us lads, and just over the curve of Mama's head, you can see a person standing in a corner, facing the wall like they've been punished for something naughty. That's the whispering wall. You stand in opposite corners of the hallway's intersection with someone that you (hopefully) know, and you can whisper something to them and they can hear it and whisper back. It mostly works but you have to get uncomfortably close to a germ ridden wall with your own face for it to work the best. |
What the heck?? |
This is after you get off of the elevator at the Summit building. This otherwise white hallway has changing colored lights and it's a bit disorienting. |
BUT!!! Not nearly as disorienting as when you step out onto the mirrored floor and ceilings! |
Ya'll don't be looking up my shorts! |
Caleb laying down on the floor to get that experience. I didn't do that as I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to get back on my feet!
Yikes. |
Looking out the windows to cool the brain of the over exposure of the mirrors and such... |
This was honestly one of my favorite things in NYC!! This room in the Summit has air pressure to control the silver balloons/balls. You can deck peeps that you don't know or you can smash silver balls into your families face. Good stuff! |
All of those silver thingy's on the ceiling are the silver balls. |
Rob looking sassy with Caleb in the background getting ready to shoot a ball at Rob's head. |
The Chrysler Building in the rain. |
The glass window...
They take you pic when you're waiting, stinky, and angry but when your're finishing up, they have your pics built into the clouds. It's pretty cool even tho you know that they're after cash. |
That's Rob, I think... |
Caleb, I think... He had a ball cap on. |
Back out on 42nd street in the rain. The lights off of the Chrysler building and the light shining off the right side of the pic were just amazing in person. |
That's the end of day four. We'll see what day 5 has to offer...
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