Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Otis, the Elevated!

So Otis has come to visit for a time, however long it shall be.  He is not our dog and we shall not claim him as such, no matter HOW EASY that would be!

He's a great dog.  He's well behaved, puts up with our own Boston Terrorist and is becoming more "at home" every stinkin' day!

He's wonderful, to say the least.

We're learning each other's language and how to tell when we need something, and so on.

But, he's not ours...  he's a wonderful guest.

Only an hour or so after Otis arrived.  The beasts are sizing one another up and Juno is debating on whether this fur-beast is welcomed or not!

More of the same...  Juno has been intense, towards all of us, but never mean.  That's good.

The moment when Otis discovered the bin of dog toys n' bones in the basement!  He was a happy camper even tho Juno tried to govern what items he was allowed.  The beauty is that Otis didn't really care and Juno didn't know how to deal with such passiveness. 

Otis the Druid...

Robert getting some serious doggy snuggle-time!  Both Rob and Caleb have been sleeping on Rob's queen-sized bed with both hounds!  They think it's the greatest thing ever!

Who couldn't love THAT face?!?

Robby and I have taken both beasts on two walks so far with many more scheduled.  Both dogs are great on the walks and behave like professional fuzzbutts!

Oh yeah... the name of the post.  It's from a Veggie Tales episode where Larry the Cucumber gets drawn into a jousting match with Otis the Elevated to see who wins the other's half of the family crest.

Watch it and enjoy!!

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